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Project Management Stories

An academic survey for Peter Kinnear, n8748900, QUT BEN910SE2-2014
Exit Survey
This survey is aimed at collecting your opinion on a specific project that you have participated in. The survey will run through a number of questions about a past project, covering -

1) The environmental variables (dates, and project parameters)
2) Project documentation (PMI standard requirements and recommendations)
3) Project control factors. (OPM3/CMMI organizational control capability assessment)

Please note that your personal and project details are not recorded into the academic data, and that this survey is simply a tool to establish a statistical connection between the PMI documentation recommendations and OPM3/CMMI project control criteria.

There are 45 questions, but they are very quick and intuitive to answer, so it should all be done in a snap!

Thanks for your time.
Firstly, think of an engineering project that you have been involved in that meets the following criteria:

1) The project is now complete
2) You have some insight to how the project management was conducted
3) The project team consisted of under 30 people (not including contractors)

Got one?
Right lets get started then.
Around what date was the project initially quoted
After 2012
Between 2008 and 2012
Between 2004 and 2008
Before 2004
What was the approximate quoted schedule period for the project
2 Weeks
2 Months
6 Months
9 Months
1 Year
1 Year 6 Months
2 Years
How would you describe the general market performance in the industry in general?
Great! There are nice cars parked in the lots of most of the companies in this industry.
OK. Nothing seems to have changed in a long time, but people are not starving.
Moderate. Companies in the industry are surviving but looking for a new cash cow.
Poor. Active restructuring is common in this industry at this time.
During the project execution period, were there any major structural changes within the organization?
Yes, it was chaos!
Yes, but they did not bother this project.
No, none that I know of.
How would you judge the overall performance of the immediate team (Note here that this may be a small part of the company)
Great. Times were good, we were killing the competition and performing as a team.
OK, but we could be doing better. The team was still normalizing, but not yet performing.
Moderate. Uncomfortable decisions were being made. Staff turnover was an issue.
Poor. The team was fighting, and attitudes were bad. Waves of team members left the organization.
How long has the company been in this specific business sector?
So many years that no one knows.
Around 5 years
Around 2 years
Around 1 year
This was the first project of its type to be attempted by this organization.
How large is this project in terms of budget and manpower?
Large! Many people were involved, and the total budget was above $1 Million
Moderate. Fewer than 30 contractors, and a total budget of less than $1 Million
Small. Few or no contractors, and a total budget of less than $500 000
Micro. One or two people in total, and a total budget of less than $250 000
What was the perceived risk of overall failure for this project.
Certain Death. This project was so crazy that it was doomed from the start.
May Fail. This is a risky job.
May Succeed. There is little risk in this job. Its not too different to what we had done in the past.
Most likely will Succeed. The organisation has mitigated all rational risks.
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