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Proxima Product Improvement

Proxima Product Improvement Survey
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* 1. In order of importance, list the 3 most important gown and drape features from the customers’ perspective:
* 2. With respect to drape & gown sales, please rank the following from most important (1) to least important (6):
a. Quality
b. Cost
c. Innovation
d. Service
e. Performance
f. Product Features
* 3. List 3 ways the marketing team can assist you sell more Proxima products.
* 4. In general, list 3 ways Medline can increase Proxima sales.
* 5. List 3 strengths of the Proxima range.
* 6. List 3 weaknesses of the Proxima range.
* 7. In general, how satisfied are you with Medline’s training courses?
Very satisfied
Not very satisfied
* 8. In general, how satisfied are you with Medline’s sales material?
Very satisfied
Not very satisfied
Thank you
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