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This study is conducted as part of an advanced psychology course at Lund University. You will read a personality description, watch a short video, and answer some questions about the video. Participation takes 10–15 minutes. Your answers are anonymous.
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Oscar, a 24-year-old student from Sweden, took a personality test. The test resulted in the following description of Oscar's personality (please read carefully):

Oscar lives in the here and now. His impulses yearn to be free, and are often loosed when others least expect it. If Oscar continually represses these impulses, he will feel 'dead inside' and may eventually cut and run.

People with Oscar's personality may be quite charming and ingratiating on first acquaintance, flowing with compliments which may (or may not) be deserved. On other occasions, the same individual may be aloof and detached. Some males with Oscar's personality are fiercely competitive, especially in sport or table games, and may have great difficulty losing. This competitive nature sometimes fosters 'lucky,' 'gut' feelings and a willingness to take risks.

Organized education is difficult for the majority of people with Oscar's personality, and many drop out before finishing secondary education. Their interest can be held better through experiential learning, at which many excel. Oscar will practice playing an instrument or honing a favored skill for hours on end, not so much as practice as for the joy of the experience.

Watch the video below, in which Oscar answers the question: "How do you spend your time?" Pay attention to details that are inconsistent with the description of Oscar's personality. It can be things that he says, how he says them, or anything that you can think of that does not match the personality description. In case you forgot, here is the personality description again:

Oscar lives in the here and now. His impulses yearn to be free, and are often loosed when others least expect it. If Oscar continually represses these impulses, he will feel 'dead inside' and may eventually cut and run.

People with Oscar's personality may be quite charming and ingratiating on first acquaintance, flowing with compliments which may (or may not) be deserved. On other occasions, the same individual may be aloof and detached. Some males with Oscar's personality are fiercely competitive, especially in sport or table games, and may have great difficulty losing. This competitive nature sometimes fosters 'lucky,' 'gut' feelings and a willingness to take risks.

Organized education is difficult for the majority of people with Oscar's personality, and many drop out before finishing secondary education. Their interest can be held better through experiential learning, at which many excel. Oscar will practice playing an instrument or honing a favored skill for hours on end, not so much as practice as for the joy of the experience.

* In the space below, list examples from the video that are inconsistent with the personality description. List as many examples as you can think of. You may watch the video again if you need to.
Compare the description of Oscar’s personality to your impression of Oscar from the video. On a scale from 1 to 9, how accurate was the personality description? (1 = not accurate at all, 9 = very accurate)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* Your age:
* Your gender:
What do you think was the purpose of this study? Describe in a few words or sentences:
If you have any questions, contact the test administrator: [email protected]