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How do you close your cartons?
Clear Plastic Adhesive Tape
Water Activated Gum Tape
If you use Plastic Adhesive Tape (Carton Sealing Tape), please continue.
How is it applied?
Manually, no dispenser.
Manually, using hand held dispenser
Automatic Case Sealing Equipment using long length rolls.(1000 yds)
How Interested would you be in Purchasing (CST)Carton Sealing Tape from Buckeye Business Systems?
Very Interested
Very Uninterested
How important are the following factors in determining your purchase of CST
Availability..... Most Important... Somewhat Important... Least Important
Reliability ..... Most Important... Somewhat Important... Least Important
Price/cost..... Most Important... SomewhatImportant... Least Important

What would you expect to pay for a rollof Carton sealing Tape, 2" x 110 yards long,medium strength, 1.7 mil thick?
$1.00 - $1.10
$1.11 - $1.25
$1.26 - $1.50
How likely are you to buy Carton Sealing Tape from Buckeye Business Systems if it could be shipped with your label order at no additional freight cost?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
No Sure
Somewhat Unlikely
Very Unlikely
If this product were available today, when would you be most likely to buy it?
Within the next Month
Between 1 and 3 months from now
Between 4 and 6 months from now
Between 7 montrhs and a year from now

Do you have a preferance for any Brand Name or do you know what product number you use now?
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