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QuestionPro : Newsletter

Chelsea Kings Gym Health & Fitness Community 

Are you making the most of what your already paying for? tell us why or why not.
How often do you use the gym at Kings Chesea?
Would you like the support of a positive, like minded and proactive group fitness classes ?How often would you attend classes?
Frequently 4
Sometimes 2-3
Rarely 1
Im Not Interested in classes
Depends on the class type
What Group classes best suit your needs?
Weight Training
Core Training
Flexibility & mobility
Are you getting the desired results from your current exercise regime?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Are you unhappy with your body shape?
Do you have stubborn areas of your body that seem resistant to change? What specific fitness class sounds most suitable for getting you results ?
Very Suited Somewhat Suited Neutral Not Suited I won't do classes
Female specific
Male specific
30-45 min express
core & cardio
Strength & Endurance
Flexibility & Mobility
Are you currently investing money in your fitness ?
e.g.: Gym Membership, Personal Trainer, Swimming Instructor or Group Classes 
How much do you think you've invested trying to get to your goal ?
5 = Most Important
£8000 +
What Pricing options best suits you ?
Pay Per Session
Pay Monthly
Pay As You Go
Have you tried numerous diets without getting lasting results?
Confused about nutrition, which foods to eat & bombarded with conflicting weight loss information? What service would best support your goal.
Do you have a Gym Membership out side of Kings Chelsea? 
What's your biggest challenge with losing weight or reaching your goals right now ?
Lack of time
Cant afford to go to the gym
Lack of motivation
The gym is too intimidating
Afraid of failure
I don't know where to start
Support at home
What Times of the day do you train ?
Night (after work hours)
We want to help build the community in Chelsea Kings Health & Fitness. Can you please suggest 3 services or reasons for you to came back to Kings Chelsea Gym.