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How long have you been at this job corps center?
Less than 1 month
1 to 3 months
4 to 6 months
7 months to 1 year
Over a year
Classroom Satisfacation. Select the most accurate answer. Do not fill in more than bubble per question.
Agree Slightly Agree Nuetral/Not Applicable Slightly Disagree Disagree
My teacher has clearly explained the classroom expectations to me.
All students are equally held accountable for following the classroom standards.
My teacher is approachable (easy to talk to)
My teacher is consistant in setting and enforcing classroom expectations
I fully understand the classroom expectations
My teacher is professional towards me
I can always get help with what im working on in class
My teacher encourages my progress
My private life is not a class issue
I know what my options are cotinuing in this field
My teacher explains the work thoroughly before asking me to do it
My TAR marks are signed off in a good amount of time.
My teacher helps me develop and reach classroom goals.
I never feel unfairly singled out.
Agree Slighty Agree Nuetral?Not Applicable Slightly Disagree Disagree
At least once a month I consider changing vocations
At least once a month I get into an altercation with my teacher.
At least once a month a fight breaks out in class.
I feel Iam harrased by other students in my class.
I am rarely botherd by other students in my class.
I feel I am being attacked by my teacher.
My teacher is supportive and approachable.
I dread going to my vocation.
I look forward to going to my vocation.
How do we rate in comparison to other companies that offer the same services?
Much higher
Somewhat higher
Somewhat lower
Much lower
Don't know
How would you rate your overall level of satisfaction with us?
Highly satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Highly dissatisfied
How likely are you to recommend Job Corps to a friend?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
What Vocation are you in? Select one
Education Classes only
Electrical Wiring
Facilities Maintence
Medical Assistant
Medical Office
Protective Services/Security
Still in CPP
Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
What is your gender?
Prefer not to answer
What is your age?
22 or older
Prefer not to answer
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