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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
Please rate the following aspects associated with Team Alignment:

Goal: Clarity of the objectives as a company and as a team

Frame: Understanding of our responsibilities

Trust: How much we rely on other members of the team

1=min ; 5=max
1 2 3 4 5
* Goal
* Frame
* Trust
Please rate the following aspects associated with Team Commitment

Roles: We are playing the right role with regard to our skills

Motivations: Are we motivated as a team

Talent: Do we have the right talents in our team (“Talent is your innate ability to do something. It is your natural ability which is inborn. Skill is a learnt ability. It is acquired or developed after you put in a lot of time and hard work”)

1=min ; 5=max
1 2 3 4 5
* Roles
* Motivation
* Talent
Please rate the following aspects associated with Team Development

Lessons learned: Do we learn from our previous experiences as a team?

Integration of newcomers

Monitoring Progress: Monitoring KDI (Key Development Indicators)

1=min ; 5=max
1 2 3 4 5
* Lessons learned
* Integration of newcomers
* Monitoring progress