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Did you recently obtain a Dell laptop that includes Dell NetReady (3G Mobile Broadband) service?
Were you involved in the purchase or selection of the Dell laptop?
How important was Dell NetReady (3G Mobile Broadband Service) to your laptop purchase decision?
I did not know the service was part of the product Not Very Important Somewhat Important Very Important It was the reason I chose this laptop
Have you registered for the Dell NetReady service? (Registration does not involve purchasing a session, it means signing up with name and email)
* Did you receive a Dell NetReady 30 Day (500MB) free promotional service session?
How valuable was the free 30 day promotional session to you?
Not valuable
Somewhat Valuable
Extremely valuable
How important was the free 30 day promotional session to your decision to purchase the laptop?
I wasn't involved in the decision to purchase the laptop
I didn't know about the service when I purchased the laptop
Not important
Somewhat important
Very Important
* How many times did you use the 30 Day Free promotional service?
* Why did you not use the service? (check all answers that apply)
I no longer have the laptop
I use another mobile broadband service
I didn't know about the service
The service didn't work
It was too complicated
I was concerned it wasn't really free
There is no mobile broadband coverage in my area
I was always connected so I didn't need mobile broadband service
I didn't have time
I forgot about it

* Why didn't you use the service more often? (check all answers that apply)
I was nearly always connected so I didn't need mobile broadband service
Service didn't work very well
Using the service was confusing
There is limited mobile broadband coverage in my area
I didn't use this computer much
I didn't have time
I forgot about it

Please explain in what way the service didn't work
Why are you using another service instead of Dell NetReady?
NetReady is too expensive
NetReady was difficult to use
I already had a plan with another srvice
My company users another service
How satisfied were you with the promotional sessions?
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
What would have made your experience with the promotional session better?
* Have you purchased a for fee NetReady session plan?
Why haven't you purchased a session (Select all that apply)?
No longer have the computer
Didn’t know or didn’t remember I could
Tried to use it, it didn’t work
Been connected, I didn't need 3G/Mobile Broadband
Don’t have a credit/debit card
Didn’t want to provide a credit or debit card information
Too expensive
Session terms (time or caps) don’t fit my needs
No service in my area
I plan to, but my free promotional plan only recently ended

Please explain in what way the service didn't work
Which kind of session(s) did you purchase?
Month (500MB)
Month-XL (10GB)
International Roaming

How satisfied were you with the paid session(s)
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
What would have made you more satisfied?
Do you plan to purchase sessions in the future?
Where do you anticipate using DellNetready service in the future (accessing the interent via 3G/Mobile Broadband)
Never Occasionally Semetimes Frequently All the time
Travel outside my local area/city
Day travel around my local area/city
Homes of friends or relatives
What Happened to the Computer?
Please provide any other feedback about Dell NetReady you might have.
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