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How old are you?
under 15
16 - 21
22 - 26
above 26
What is your level of English?
How often do you listen to rock music? (any kind: hard rock, punk rock, metal, etc..)
every day
more days a week
1-2 days a week
not every week
What do you think about rock music lyrics?
I love them, they mean a lot to me!
There are good ones, but not all
Song lyrics are too hard to understand
Song lyrics are too easy (full of clichés)
What do you do if you don't know a word in a song? (Select all that apply)
ignore it
ask someone (friend, teacher, etc.)
try to guess from context
look up in a dictionary

Have you ever experienced that you get to learn a new word or expression from a song you were listening to? If you have then can you list a few words or the name of the song?:
Do you use words that you learned from song lyrics in real life? (in writing, converstions, at school, etc.)
yes, i often use words i learned this way
sometimes i remember a few
i don't use them but i could
no, i cannot use these words anywhere
What made you remember therse words? (Select all that apply)
It was repeated in the song or i listened to the song many times
It was similar to a word i already knew
The lyrics was rhyming and i could easily remember
i wanted to know what the song is about so i looked up the lyrics
i can't tell why but i learned them

Rock music contains socially questionable words (swearing words, innapropriate expressions) What do you think about that?
I don't listen to songs that contain such words
I hear them but i don't pay attention
These are just words, everybody uses them, why can't i?
This is a part of the music style, besides, these are the first words i remember
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