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The story is about Jesus performing a miracle and fed 5000
people with originally 5 pieces of bread and 2 fish.
1. Have you ever heard of this story?
2. What have you learnt from it?
We should help others in any circumstances
We should believe in God
His mission---to be with all people and help the suffering
3. What do you think of Jesus?
He is powerful
Nothing is impossible to Jesus.
Jesus loves His people very much
4. After reading the entire story, do you have a change in your perception towards Jesus?
5. Can you think of the reason why Jesus performed the miracle?
To show His divinity
To show His care to His people
To persuade the people to follow and to believe in Him
Other Opinions
End of Questionnaire, Thank You !
Respondent's Info
What's your Age?
What's your religion?