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Safety Responsibilities and rights/obligations

Safety Responsibilities and rights/obligations
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Hello: As a part of our commitment to continued growth, you are invited to participate in our survey. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Sonya Wiebe at 250-793-5311 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Where can you find a copy of the WSP Safety Manual (select all that apply)
Company vehicle
Break room
PM office
JM App
Safety Office
Online (Intranet)
WCB/Worksafe BC office
PC's phone

* You have the _______ to refuse unsafe work
* If you observe an unsafe act or condition or near miss, in addition to stopping the unsafe work, what action should you take?
point and laugh
report it to your supervisor
document it and tell your friends at the end of the day
document it and report it to your supervisor

* When should you complete your Tailgate/Field Level Risk Assessment?
Before you get to the office
When you get back to the office from the field
When you arrive at site and are able to assess the field level risks
In the break room before you leave for the job
In your morning meeting with your PM

* All workers have the right and obligation to be informed of workplace hazards select all applicable methods that could be used to inform you.
Safety Orientations
Safety Meetings
Fall Fair

* Anyone can contribute to policy creation, revision or implementation? 
* During each work period of five consecutive hours of work or more, an employee is entitled to at least ________________
* In the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstances where a work day will need to exceed the normal 12 hours, the employee must contact their manager before starting the extended shift. Before approving the extension the supervisor and worker must talk about ___________?
* Clients can request medical or drug and alcohol tests before workers qualify to work on their sites.
* Select the responsibilities an employee has in regards to spill response and reporting
Ensuring a spill kit is readily available whenever chemicals are used.
Ensuring a chemical is available to be spilled
Barricading area/halting all traffic around the large/dangerous spill
Barricading yourself in the nearest restroom if a large/dangerous spill occurs
Reporting larger spills or spills including dangerous material to proper authorities
Reporting large amounts of flatulence within a confined space
Using and storing chemicals in a responsible manner
Using appropriate air fresheners in large spill conditions

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