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Good Morning! 
I bet none of you thought I would send you a survey on a late Sunday evening! 
I found a great program and it is free so I decided, in an effort to get to know the office better, I would play with it a little and send you each a survey.
Before you begin, please know that I wrote this survey myself - it is not going anywhere else and it does not have to get shared with anyone else at all.
The purpose of this is two-fold. #1, I want to get feedback from all of you, honest feedback. We will also use this as a starting point, so I know where you are and where you want to go.
#2, I am planning to initiate a customer feedback survey for Sales. Not just on what we do leading up to their event or stay with us, but how the client is taken care of while they are here; a start to finish. This will be a team project, one that we can build together, and learn from together.
First scenario: You just walked into a sales training seminar and the first thing that is always asked "What is your name and what do you do?" You respond with your name and say "I am a Sales Manager at a large Hotel." "REALLY?!?! so are the rest of us." In other words, you did not answer the question. Tell me HOW you are a Sales Manager and what it means to you:
What do you enjoy MOST about your job?
My Coworkers
My Clients
The hours
The pay
The benefits
The Hotel Environment

Go back to the item you picked first in the previous list as to what you enjoy most about your job, and elaborate - why do you enjoy that aspect most.
People are all so different. Rather than give you 20 reasons to choose from, tell me what do you enjoy LEAST about your job? Be as specific as you like - the only way we can make things better is to figure out where the problems are. Please, no one word answers. I want honest feedback.
Good changes never happen overnight. Lasting and beneficial changes take time to make happen. Describe for me three different ways that I can help you do your job better. For example - if doing reports is part of the job, don't tell me "less reports" because that won't happen. What can I do to make the report process better? Is it organization, is it lack of program knowledge (Reports was just an example... as I spent today bouncing between excel spreadsheets.)
Now, the hard part. What can YOU do to do your job better? (This is always the hardest question to answer - and your answer does not need to be detailed.) This is a reflection topic intended to get you to think about areas you can improve in the process of setting professional goals.
I am excited at the idea of using this format for our clients. We will work together to set evaluation criteria and generate a format that will give us the feedback we need to keep moving forward, help us improve our client interaction, provide praise when received, and increase sales for the whole property. Please give me your initial feedback below, or additional ideas you may have! (and then finish the rest of the quiz just to see all the different types of information and question formats you can set as options!
Favorite Color
Favorite Food?
Italian, Pizza
Fast Food
Coffee (yes, that is a food)
If you could go any one of the four places below, where you would choose?
Brandi Stoetzel, Holiday Inn Cheyenne WY
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