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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* What is required to Enroll and Employee in OnStar Rewards? (besides the account)
Name & Title
Name & Email
Name & Phone #
* What field is going to be required in the address field?
Address #
Zip Code
State & Zip Code
* What automatically populates when you Active an account in OnStar Rewards?
OnStar Rewards Check Box
OnStar Rewards Activation Date
OnStar Rewards Account ID
All of the above
* What Section is replacing the need to go to the DWD Store?
How do you feel about the new System Type coming in June?
* Looks complicated, not looking forward to it
* It's just okay
* Undecided
* Looks great, think it will be very helpful
* Thrilled, super excited, love it!
* The Inventory Audit Field does what? (select as many as apply)
Lists the last inventory audit date
Checks a box that you did an audit
Pulls an inventory audit from
Creates a Task reminder in the account
Sends you an email