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Did your school practice its Crisis Management Plan/Emergency Management Plan (CMP/EMP) during the
2012– 2013school year? (Practice does not include an actual emergency. You will be asked about those events in an upcoming question.)
2. Did you have to activate any portion of your school’s crisis management plan during the 2012– 2013 school year due to anactual emergency or crisis?
Why did your crisis plan was activated?
Why did your crisis plan was activated? (choose the category that best fits each incident; select all that apply)
Incident related to violence/crime, including weapon carrying/use occurring ON school property
Incident related to violence/crime, including weapon carrying/ use occurring OFF school property
Student or staff accident, health-related emergency, or death ON school property
Student or staff accident, health-related emergency, or death OFF school property
Incident at another school that affected your school
Naturally-occurring hazard such as earthquake, tornado, or dangerous weather conditions
Hazardous chemical incident on school property
Bomb threat to school
Power outage or utility malfunction affecting school property that did not result in smoke, fumes, or fire
Smoke, fumes, or fire on school property
Suspicious person/intruder on school property
Student reported as missing
School bus-related incidents
Unfounded incident/faulty or false alarm
Other safety-related incident that affected school and is not listed above
Does your school’s CMP/EMP address incidents involving school buses?
(If 4 = yes)
Have your school bus drivers received training on the specific areas of the CMP/EMP that pertain to
Does your school use a formal threat assessment process to respond to student threats of violence (both violence against others and /or against oneself)?
No, we have no formal process
. During the 2012 – 2013 school year, approximately how many student threats of violence were assessed and found to be transient (not serious) threats?
Does your school have an electronic notification system for notifying parents/guardians of an emergency at your school?
(If 6= yes)
Did your school activate its electronic notification system this year for an actual emergency?
How often were lockdown drills practiced at your school during the 2012 - 2013 school year? (select one)
Practiced more than once
Practiced once
Was not practiced this year
Other (describe):