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The multi-modal survey will be administered by telephone, mail, and e-mail. A introduction letter will be sent to all potential respondents introducing the survey, explaining its purpose, and establishing credibility. The letter will also provide them with the option of taking the survey by telephone, mail, or e-mail. Please note that the following is only an outline for the survey. Once it is approved, the outline will be turned into a survey instrument with complete questions, answer sets (where necessary), and appropriate transitions between sections of questions
II.Country of Residence Confirmation
III. Language
Native language
Other languages spoken fluently (in addition to your native language)
What were the primary reasons you became a member of SCI?
Please rank in order of importance from 1 being least important and 3 being most important
1 2 3
because I enjoy hunting.
to protect the freedom to hunt
fight anti-hunters
to promote wildlife conservation
to learn about places to hunt internationally
to have camaraderie with other hunters
because of the recommendation of a friend or family member
to get bi-monthly Safari magazine
to promote game management
to protect gun rights
to learn about places to hunt in home country
to reach guides/outfitters
to attend SCI Hunters' Convention
to be a part of the local SCI Chapter
If you were to join another sportsmen's organization, would you prefer an organization concerned with hunting, conservation, or both?
I don't know
As an international member of SCI, is there anything you think SCI must do to appeal to and recruit more members in country of residence? If yes, what?
Please rank in order of importance from 1 being least important and 3 being most important
1 2 3
advertise more
have more local events
have better local events
provide more hunting opportunities in the respondent’s home country
provide more international hunting opportunities
more emphasis on wildlife conservation
more emphasis on the freedom to hunt/fight anti-hunters
more emphasis on gun rights
appeal more to youth
more emphasis on hunter code of ethics
make changes to Safari Magazine
provide more information on SCI programs
translate the magazine into our local language
Include more stories about regional/local hunts
don't know
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your membership in SCI?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Don't know
Why do you disagree (that SCI represents the motives and attitudes of the typical hunter in respondents country)? (Asked of those who disagree that SCI represents the motives and attitudes of the typical hunter in..
Please rank in order of importance from 1 being least important and 3 being most important
1 2 3
club is focused in the US
too much emphasis on trophy hunting
not enough emphasis on hunting rights
not enough emphasis on conservation
not enough emphasis on humanitarian services
not enough emphasis on gun rights
not enough emphasis on trophy hunting
too much emphasis on conservation
SCI Mission:
Please rank in order of importance from 1 being least important and 3 being most important
1 2 3
protecting the freedom to hunt
promoting wildife conservation worldwide
keeping members informed about hunting issues
promote a positive image of hunters
providing hunters opportunity to share record animals in SCI record book
SCI Services:
Please tell me how you would rate SCI’s performance for each of these same activities. Would you say the SCI’s performance of this activity is excellent, good, fair, or poor?
Excellent Good Fair Poor
a.Sponsoring and conducting research on threatened and endangered species internationally
b.Organizing the Annual Hunters’ Convention
c.Maintaining the SCI website
d.Providing information on international hunting outfitters through paid advertising in Safari magazine
e.Providing education, such as environmental leadership and wildlife management
f.Safari magazine
g.Safari Times newspaper
h.Providing membership services through SCI’s Tucson, Arizona; Washington, D.C.; and South African offices
i.Wildlife conservation internationally
j.Attending international conferences, such as CITES, CBD, and IUCN for the purpose of advocating hunting and sustainable issues
k.Attending meetings with the Federation of Hunters Associations of the European Union (FACE)
l.Sponsoring international symposiums on wildlife issues, such as the upcoming Third International Symposium on Alpine Ibex.
Have you ever visited the SCI Website (
Don't know
In your opinion, how informative was the SCI Website? Would you say it was very informative, somewhat informative, or not at all informative?
(Asked of those who have visited the SCI Website.)
Very informative
Somewhat informative
Not at all informative
Don't know
In your opinion, was it easy to find the information you were looking for on the SCI Website? (Asked of those who have visited the SCI Website.)
Don't know
What information were you looking for on the SCI Website? (Asked of those who have visited the SCI website.)
Nothing in particular
SCI Hunters' Convention
International hunter information
Trophy records
Other international events (excluding Hunters' convention)
Conservation issues
Information on firearms, knives, ammunition, etc.
Bylaws for SCI/SCIF
Hunting rights
Outdoor education
Other (please specify)
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the SCI website being published in English?
(Asked of those whose native language is not English.)
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Very disatisfied
Don't know
If the SCI website had a section in your native language, would you be more likely to use the site, less likely to use the site, or would it have
no impact on your use of the SCI Website?
(Asked of those whose native language is not English.)
More likely
Less likely
No impact
Don't know
SCI Convention
Do you have any family members or friends who are members of SCI?
Don't know
How many of the past 5 years have you attended the SCI Hunters' Convention?
(If 0 years,) What is the primary reason you have NOT attended any SCI international events?
>>> list
How many of the past 5 years have you attended an SCI local chapter event?
(If 0 years,) What is the primary reason you have NOT attended any SCI local chapter events?
>>> list
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your membership in SCI? If dissatisfied, why? (open-ended)
>>> open/ended
How likely is it that you will continue to support SCI by renewing your membership or donating to the organization in the next 2 years?
(We are not soliciting memberships or donations; we are simply measuring interest for research purposes only.)
>>> list
(If not at all likely) What are the primary reasons you are unlikely to continue to support SCI?
>>> list
Do you agree or disagree that SCI represents the motives and attitudes of the typical [country of residence] hunter? If no, why do you disagree? (open-ended)
>>> list
Did you hunt or do you plan to hunt this year?
Already hunted this year
Have not hunted but plan to hunt
Have not hunted and do not plan to hunt
Don't know
How many total days will you hunt this year?
(Asked of those who have hunted or will hunt this year)
80+ days
60-79 days
40-59 days
20-39 days
1-19 days
0 days
don't know
In past 2 years, have you hunted in a country other than your own[respondents country]?
What species do you hunt most often?
Deer (any kind)
Antelope/kudu/eland (african)
Waterfowl (other than ducks & geese)
Red deer
Sheep/big horn sheep
Roe deer
Mountain goat/goat/ibex
Other (please specify)
And, in the past 2 years, how important were each of the following reasons to you for hunting?
(Would you say very important (1), somewhat important (2), or not at all important(3)?)
1 2 3
For the meat
To be with friends and family
For the sport and recreation
To be close to nature
For relaxation
For a trophy
In general, are there any things that take away from your hunting satisfaction or cause you not to hunt as much as you would like?
Don't know
What takes away from your hunting satisfaction or causes you not to hunt as much as you would like? (Asked of those who said things take away from their hunting satisfaction or causes them not to hunt as much as they would like.)
Not enough time (includes work and family obligations)
Costs (too expensive or more expensive)
Unsafe / poor behavior of other hunters
Health / age
Finding a place to hunt
Not enough game in general
How would you describe your interest in hunting in another country in the next 2 years? Would you say you are very interested, somewhat interested, or not at all interested in hunting in another country?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not at all interested
Don't know
In what other countries would you like to hunt? (Asked of those who are interested in hunting in another country in the next 2 years.)
African countries in general
United States
South Africa
European countries in general
New Zealand
Asian countries in general
South American countries in general
Everywhere / anywhere
North American countries in general
Other (please specify)
As a hunter, what do you feel are the two most important issues facing hunting today?
Anti-hunting sentiment / improving image of hunters
There is NO important issue
Firearms rights
Loss of habitat/habitat fragmentation
Hunters' rights
Fewer hunters hunting nowadays/passing on the hunting herita
Low wildlife populations
Lack of game/not enough game
Lack of access to land
Cost of hunting / too expensive
Lack of places to hunt
Unhealthy game populations (refering to physical health/disease)
Don't know
Other (please specify)
Would you say you are very concerned (1), somewhat concerned (2), or not at all concerned (3) with the following issues?
1 2 3
Future hunting opportunities in country of residence
Future hunting opportunities worldwide
Hunters’ rights in country of residence
Hunters’ rights worldwide
Right to bear arms in country of residence
Right to bear arms worldwide
Wildlife conservation in country of residence
Wildlife conservation worldwide
Ability to import hunting trophies from other countries into your country
May I ask your age?
65 years old or older
55-64 years old
45-54 years old
35-44 years old
25-34 years old
18-24 years old
Your gender?
Do you consider your place of residence to be a large city or urban area, a suburban area, a small city or town, a rural area on a farm or ranch,
or a rural area not on a farm or ranch?
Large city or urban area
Suburban area
Small city or town
Rural area on a farm or ranch
Rural area not on a farm or ranch
Are you presently employed/What is your current occupation?
Business owner
Restaurant / hotel / tourism / entertainment
Office / consulting / data analysis
Agriculture / farming
Construction / carpentry / plumbing / electrical / skilled craftsman
Finance / insurance / real estate
Manufacturing / factory / industry
Retail / wholesale sales
Medical / wellness
Government services (police, fire, postal worker, etc.)
Mechanical / machine servicing (e.g., automobile mechanic)
Full-time student
Transportation / shipping
Computer / technical / electronics
Do you have Internet access in your home?
Do you access the Internet daily, sometimes, rarely, or never?
Don't know
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