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What, according to your personal opinion, is the best to be achieved for you?
A. To become a Manager
B. To become a Manager and earn a big salary
C. To stay at the operational level and escape huge responsibilities
D. To become a supervisor and stay at this level
E. To continue climbing the hierarchy and become a famous person
Is there any answer from the following which prevents you to climb the hierarchy?
A. Education Level
B. Lack of Academic Skills
C. Lack of Technical Skills
D. Lack of Financial Investment
E. Social Stability
F. Work-Life Balance
Do your superiors appear to be models to you?
A. Yes
B. No
Do other managers of the hotel appear to be models to you?
A. Yes
B. No
Are you ready to follow the guidance of your superiors to achieve the top?
A. Yes
B. No
Where would you like to become a member of the Board of Managers?
A. At Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel
B. In another famous hotel of Mauritius
C. In another famous hotel of the world leading branch
D. In another hotel in any country abroad
E. In another hotel of a specific country
If you are provided with the opportunity to work abroad, which one of these answers would you accept?
A. You won’t accept the offer
B. You would accept and also accept a superior level
C. You would accept but to work at the same operational level
D. You would accept and also accept to work at any level
Are you ready to offer the best of you to achieve what you deserve the best at work?
A. Yes
B. No
Which one of these is the most important to you?
A. Family Life
B. Work-Life and achieve the Best
C. Friends
D. Family Life and achieve the best
E. Friends and achieve the best
F. Friends, family and achieve the best