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Hello, you are invited to participate in our survey on autonomous/self-driving vehicles. Self-driving/autonomous vehicles use on-board sensors, cameras, GPS, and telecommunications to obtain information in order to make decisions regarding safety critical situations and act appropriately by taking control of the vehicle at some level.Examples of autonomous-vehicle technologies range from those that take care of basic functions such as cruise control, to completely self-driving vehicles with no human driver required.
Have you heard of autonomous and/or self-driving vehicles?
There are several different levels of autonomous-vehicle technology. Some of these technologies already exist now, while others are expected to become available in the future. Descriptions of each level of autonomous vehicle technology are shown below. Which vehicle level would you be most likely to drive if you had the choice?
What do you think is the most important in a self-driving vehicle? 
Which of the following self-driving issues are you mostly concerned about? (Please select 3)
Legal liability (Insurance)
System security (from hackers) Vehicle security (from hackers)
Interacting with non-self-driving vehicles
Data privacy (location and destination tracking)
System performance in poor weather
Self-driving vehicles not driving as well as human drivers in general
Vehicle interaction with pedestrians and cyclists

Would you like your smartphone to interact/assist with your self-driving vehicle?
When selecting a driverless car, knowing that the camera is an essential part, which criteria would you consider as a priority?
Would you download an app with a 180-view giving you advanced warning or notice, which would identify and notify you of obstacles or objects e.g. Pot holes or stones or people crossing the road?
Would you buy something like an e-tech device that would be positioned on the front and rear windows to notify you of any upcoming obstacles. And secondly of the distance between your car and the car behind you?
Alpha 4