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SH Member Survey 01-13

SurroundHealth Member Survey
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Section 1: About You

* 1. Which work setting best describes where you currently work?
Hospital (inpatient)
Outpatient clinic
Community program/public agency
Health-related advocacy organization
Health counselor
Corporate/work-site wellness
Student in a health-related field
Consultant / Freelancer
Not currently working / retired
* 2. How long have you been a SurroundHealth member?
Less than a month
1 to 6 months
7 to 12 months
More than 1 year
* 3. How often do you visit SurroundHealth?
I have not visited the site since I joined
Once a week
A few times per week
Once a month
A few times a month
All the time
4. On a scale of 1-5 (1=Least and 5=Most), how well does SurroundHealth meet your professional needs?
1 2 3 4 5
* 5. As a health professional, what work-related challenges and needs do you currently have that SurroundHealth could help with meeting, but is not now?
Section 2: Your feedback on SurroundHealth

* 5. What typically brings you to SurroundHealth? (Select all that apply.)
Gaining additional knowledge of what is going on in the field
Staying current
Doing research for work or school
Contests / challenges
Webinars for continuing education credits
Job postings /the professional development section
I want to share a resource or other type of content I saw on SurroundHealth
I want to see what other members are posting /doing
I want to network with other professionals
I want to ask a question of members/start a discussion

* 6. What do you like LEAST about SurroundHealth? Why?
* 7. What do you like MOST about SurroundHealth? Why?
* 8. If you could change one aspect of SurroundHealth, what would it be?
Section 3: Content

* 9. What types of content would you like to see more of within SurroundHealth? (Select all that apply.)
Clinical best practices
Summaries of research on relevant topics
Guidance on healthcare reform change
Professional development coaching / advice
Practice management best practices
Guidance from leaders in the field on different topics
Q & A with featured health professionals
An anonymous column where you can ask questions and voice concerns
Networking with other members
Controversial topics in healthcare today
Current topics in healthcare

* 10. Which content format would you like to see more of within SurroundHealth? (Select all that apply.)

Section 4: Features

* 11. What are your favorite types of SurroundHealth features? (Select all that apply.)
Email notifications to tell you about content and discussions that have recently been posted
Member to member messaging
My collection tool for saving content and discussions
Featured content section
What’s new section
Quick polls section
Ability to participate in surveys for $
Topic areas you can browse through when doing research

* 12. What new features / activities would you like to see within SurroundHealth? (Select all that apply.)
Ability to set up your own private groups
Points for different activities performed within SurroundHealth, which you could redeem for rewards (ex. Conferences, activities for credits etc)
Archived webinars for continuing education credits
An expanded profile you can use as an online resume / portfolio
Ability to display content you have posted to your profile
Ability to see the location of other members
Leader corner (where you can connect and get advice from with leaders in different health-related fields)
Interactive online book club with the author, on motivating Healthy Habits in your practice where you can discuss strategies for use with patients to help move them towards behavior change
Free subscription to a web-based platform that allows you to share education materials with your patients
Ability to easily create your own videos to help you promote the work you do, or to educate consumers or other professionals

* 13. This past year we launched our first webinar series, Advance Your Healthcare Career, for free continuing education credits (CHES/RD). Please let us know what other webinar topics would be of most interest to you. (Select all that apply.)
Basics of using social media professionally (Twitter, LinkedIn etc)
Webinars on clinically related issues, such as clinical nutrition
Best practices in patient education
Health literacy
Behavior change
Using technology for patient education
Various professional development topics
Reaching culturally diverse populations

14. On a scale from 1-5, (1=least and 5= most), how willing would you be to pay a small fee for the following services and features:
1 2 3 4 5
* Webinars for continuing education credits
* Mentorship opportunities
* Career coaching
* Job bank
* Premium content
15. Anything else you would like to share with us: