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* Overall how satisfied were you with the body mil?
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
What, if anything, did you LIKE about this body milk?
What, if anything, did you DISLIKE about this body milk?
How would you describe the fragrance of the body milk?
Very pleasant
Neither pleasant nor unpleasant
Very unpleasant
How would you describe the strength of the body milk fragrance?
Much too strong
A little too strong
Just right
A little too weak
Much too weak
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the body milk?
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Stromgly disagree
This gentle moisturiser refreshes your skin
Leaves skin supple
Leaves skin smooth
It gives you all the softness without the greasiness
Has a delicate fragrance
Is instantly absorbed
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