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Exit Survey
As part of our quality system and evaluation process of our programs, we would appreciate your feedback on the training services we provide to you. The aim of the questionnaire is to enable us to review the design and presentation of the program.

Please indicate your approval of Careers Australia Education Institute to use any comments you make on this Evalutaion Form
* What group are you in? (Example: JAN12A)
Please rate the following areas of the course, where 1 is extremely dissatisfied, 5 is satisfied and 10 is extremely satisfied.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A
* The objectives of the subject/s were clear
* The subject/s covered what the subject description said
* The subject/s covered topics at appropriate depth
* There was a good balance between theory and practicle
* The workload was appropriate for a subject/s at this level
* Class organisation allowed for effective student participation
* Students were encouraged to ask questions
* We were generally given enough time to understand our work
* The subject/s were relevant to the course
* I could see the relationships between the subjects
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A
* Staff made it clear from the start what was expected from students
* The educators seemed to know the subject matter well
* The educators presented material in an interesting way
* The educators used class time well
* The educators were approachable
* The educators acknowledged cultural differences amongst students in the class
* The educators tried to provide for students with language difficulties
* The educators made good use of examples and illustrations
* Practical sessions were well organised
* The necessary materials for practical sessions were always available
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A
* Practicals were clearly related to the content taught in lectures
* There was enough opportunity to practice new skills
* Learning experiences outside the classroom (e.g. field work, clinical sessions were relevant
* Assessment criteria were clearly related to the subject goals
* The methods of assessment used were appropriate for the subject/s
* There were clear guidelines for all assessment tasks
* Assessment requirements were written in clear, simple language
* Assessment tasks allowed me to demonstrate what I had learned
* Assessment tasks helped me to develop my understanding of the material
* The grading of work seemed fair
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A
* Feedback on assessment items was satisfactory
* Feedback on assessment items was timely
* Assessment feedback suggested specific ways I could improve
* Study guides assisted my learning
* The self directed packages helped my learning
* The necessary learning materials were provided or available
* There was sufficient access to computing resources
* Library materials were appropriate
* The prescribed textbook/s were useful
* The videos shown assisted my learning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A
* Information provided was accurate
* Staff were accessible
* Staff responded in a timely manner
* Staff were professional and courteous
* Questions and concerns were adequately addressed
* Staff were knowledgeable
What would you like changed, if anything? (e.g. too much/too little theory/practice, too demanding/not demanding enough)
Do you have any specific comment on program content, design or delivery?
In what way could Careers Australia Education Institute improve the service provided to you?
Careers Australia Education Institute