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How old are you?
Under 21 y.o.
21 - 28
> 35
How often do you meet your friends?
More then once a week
Once a week
2 - 3 times a month
Once a month or rarer
How much time (an average) do you usually spend with your friends when you get together?
One hour or less
Two hours
Three hours
More than three hours
Where do you usually get together with your friends?
Your/your friends’ apartment or house
Bar or restaurant
Social clubs
If you meet with your friends in café, what is your average bill?
What is your hobby?
What common interest do you have with your friends (i.e. food, music, sport)
What do you usually do when you get together with your friends (i.e. board games, sport, food)
Could you please describe the most suitable place for getting together: 3 adjectives, describing this place
Could you please describe the most suitable place for getting together: 3 things which make you feel comfortable
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