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You are invited to participate in our survey (Employer Information Literacy and Badges) In this survey, you will be giving us formative feedback of our questions so that we can move forward with sending this out to employers. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

If you can take/look at the survey and then give us feedback through email ([email protected], [email protected]) or the Yammer group that would be much appreciated. We are doing this in an effort to design our information literacy badges to fulfill the needs of students now and employers in the future.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Based on the following scale, select your answer for the following statements related to skills required in the workplace:
Strongly Agree Agree Slightly Agree Slightly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
10. The ability to conduct work via mobile technologies is increasingly important in the work place
12. The ability to find information from social resources (from other co-workers) is important to finding the answers to problems with unclear outcomes
13. The ability to look for answers to questions using web resources is a critical skill to success in the workplace
13. The ability to be an active learner and aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses in their development
14. Ethical awareness of information use, copyright, open sources, and fair use is a skill that students are not bringing to the workplace
15. My company uses proprietary databases to find information
15b. Entry level workers are granted access to these proprietary databases (if a subscription exists)
16. The ability to solve problems rapidly is more important than conducting a thorough evaluation and analysis of the options
17. Transcripts are too vague of a representation of the skills that students have when applying for jobs.
18. Grades (GPA) have a high correlation with preparedness for the workplace.
19. Interacting with others and collaborating in various spaces is extremely important in the workplace.
20. A more granular representation (specific skills and competencies) of learning would be helpful when evaluating potential candidates.
21. 21st century skills (such as social skills, teamwork, critical thinking, community engagement, media literacy) are important for adapting to change in the workplace.
Rank the following collegiate experiences in terms of how important they are in hiring a candidate for a position at your company: (top-to-bottom ranking)
a. internships
b. college courses - major
c. leadership roles in organizations
d. ability to demonstrate extra learning beyond the classroom, e.g. civic engagement
e. excellent grades (above a 3.5)
f. e-portfolio (online display of candidate’s work)
g. evidence of work with technology tools (web 2.0, media, distance learning)
h. score on some kind of test?
i. other - fill in blank
Rank the following skills from a scale of 1-5 for your recent college graduates hires to possess in order to be effective to the job (one being the worst and 5 being the best):
1 2 3 4 5
a. ability to innovate (devise unique solutions to a problem or create a project)
b. ability to work in a multiperson (>2) team including pulling own weight, completing tasks on time, etc.
c. ability to think critically (problem-solving skills)
d. ability to use free and open sources of information and evaluate them for credibility
e. ability to use subscription-based sources paid for by your organization for information and knowledge
f. ability to plan and execute a plan to find quality information
Rank the following skills from a scale of 1-5 (1 being the worst, 5 being the best) for your recent college graduate hires to possess in order to be effective to the job:
1 2 3 4 5
g. social "soft" skills such as interpersonal communication and asking for help when needed
h. ability to widen lens and understand other people's perspectives
i. ability to take feedback from multiple online outlets (web 2.0 especially) and synthesize and provide this information to coworkers and in reports
j. ability to find information that is not present on the web (physical)
k. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
What expected skills are noticeably absent when new-hires arrive on the job that would be the most useful for them to have? [we want to find out what skills new hires are lacking]. They need to be ranked top to bottom (1 being the most absent, 8 being least absent)
a. job-specific content/training
b. ability to identify and understand ethical issues including privacy, copyright, how to use social media, etc.
c. using collaborative skills to help solve problems
d. ability to solve problems on their own when there is an unclear outcome
e. learning how to work with people from diverse backgrounds/cultures
f. a desire to learn new skills on the job
g. ability to apply knowledge to real world contexts
h. finding patterns and making connections between activities, concepts, and ideas
Microcredentialing - this is a granular form of recognition for skills learned in a variety of fields and formats. The microcredentialing technique explored in this survey is in the form of digital badges. These represent a 'clickable' credential that has all of the data used to earn the badge available for review.
If a potential new hire approached you with visual representations of their skills such as the following image (will put in an image of a badge) that represented an evidenced-based skill that that student had achieved, would you be interested in using it to determine qualification of the student. (give a percentage in the box between 0-100).
How likely would you be to click on this image if you could see more details such as the issuer of the visual representation, the work the student did to earn it, the date issued, the expiration of the skill, etc.? (0-100 percentage)
How many of these images would you be willing to evaluate on an applicant’s forms?
a. 0-5
b. 6-8
c. 9-12
d. 13-16
e. 16-20
f. 20 or more
If there were a tool that allowed you to filter applicants’ badges by keyword or tag in order to quickly identify specific badges or skills, would you be more likely to adopt them into your hiring practices? [gets at idea of standarization of keywords across applicants’ skills]
Maybe, have to learn more
No difference