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Dear Tapas Lovers,
you are invited to participate in our survey about Tapas restaurants in Germany.
Please complete the survey only if you are from a spanish speaking or Latin American country and you are currently living in Germany or Europe.
In this survey you will be asked to complete questions about your experience and favors concerning Tapas restaurants.
It will take approximately 3 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Hola chicas y chicos,

Por favor ayudanos con este cuestionario sobre Tapas restaurantes y tu experiencía con ellos. Si eres del Sur de America o Espana y estás viviendo actualmente en Europa puedes participar. Son solo cinco minutos!!

Muchas gracias

Do you like to go out with friends for Tapas or a drink?If yes, how often per month do you go out for Tapas? Te gusta ir de copas o tapas con tus amigos?Pues entonces quántas veces vas de Tapas por mes?
6 and more
How long are you staying when going for tapas? Quanto tiempo quedas normalmente en el restaurante?
1/2 Hour /Media hora
1 hour / 1 hora
1-2 hours/ 1-2 horas
more than 2 hours/ más que 2 horas
What Tapas or ingredients do you like most? Cuál Tapas te gusta más y que componentes prefieres?
What dates do you usually go out for Tapas? En cúal días sales para ir de Tapas?
What time of the day you like to go for Tapas? A qué hora sales para ir de Tapas?
9-12AM/9-12 por la noche
3-6PM /3-6 por la tarde
12-3 PM/ 12-3 por la tarde
6-9PM/6-9 por la noche
12 and later/ 12 y más tarde

What were you used to drink in you home country when going out and what drinks do you miss while living in Germany? Qué bebes normalmente cuando sales de casa y qué echas de menos de beber desde cuando vives en Alemania o Europa?
How important is the service in a Tapas restaurant for you( from a waiter)?Qué importante es el servicio para ti en un restaurante de Tapas(de un camarero)?
I do not need service/ No quería servicio
Service is not necessary/no es necessary
I dont care/ Me da igual
Some service would be convenient/ un poco de service
Very important/muy importante
Have you ever heard of 100 Montaditos? If yes what was your favorite Montadito and why did you like to go to that restaurant?
Conoces a 100 Montaditos? Pues entonces cuál montadito es tú favorito?Y por qué te gustaría ir a este restaurante?
As final question we would like to know where you are from
Thank you for your participation/
Por último queríamos saber de donde eres? Gracias por tú participación!