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How satisfied are you with the rapid advancement of technology? This short survey will have questions about this very topic, and the results will be discussed on the next episode of my podcast, The talking box podcast. Although the survey will be discussed in depth, no personal information will be given out in the podcast for confidentiality reasons. You can find out more about my podcast as well as download and subscribe to episodes by visiting Thank you for your participation!
Since this is an online survey, there's no doubt that you've established connectivity to the internet. How are you currently accessing the internet?
I just have a computer at home where I connect to the internet.
I access the internet both at home on my computer and on my smartphone/tablet.
I only connect to public Wi-Fi networks with my laptop or other device. I do not have the internet at home.
I use someone else's computer or mobile device.
I access a public computer at a facility, such as a library.
Other, please list aditional options here.
How satisfied are you with the rapid advancement of technology?
I like watching how technology enhances our lives, and just love to continue watching it grow.
I personally think technology couldn't move fast enough. Hurry it up already!
Technology is moving too fast. Pretty soon we'll have robots give us massages. This is starting to creep me out!
I don't care one way or another. Technology is cool and I just use it to serve my needs.
Do you have a disability that affects how you use technology, and if so, how does the rapid advancement in technology affect you?
No, I do not have a disability or limitation that affects my use of technology
Yes, I do have a disability, but I am having no trouble keeping up with all the new tech. The newer the better.
I do have a disability that affects my use of technology, but I'm comfortable with where I'm at. I'm able to use the tech that I have with no or little trouble.
I don't have a disability, but I only use technology when necessary. I could care less how fast technology moves.
I do have a disability that affects my use of technology, and I wish technology wouldn't move so fast! It's getting harder to stay up to date with the latest tech everyone else is using in the workplace or at school.
Other, please list your comments here.
Most of us have more than one product that allows us to stay connected to the digital age. Among the ones you have, which is your favorite?
I prefer sitting at a desk and surfing the net on my PC or IMac.
I love my laptop! I can still feel like I'm at a computer, but be a little more mobile.
I absolutely love my IPhone/android phone. I never leave home without it!
I love my tablet/IPad. It's great!
I don't particularly have a favorite. I use all the products I own and love them all for what they offer.
I don't have a favorite. I don't like what I have, and wish I could have something better!
If your favorite product isn't listed, write it here. Additionally, if you have any comments, write them here as well.
Is there a chance you will be contributing to our technological advances in the future?
Yes! I love tech stuff, and have many inventions and ideas for making life better for all!
I just love tech and want to help people use what they currently have.
I like tech stuff, but I don't think I'll be contributing to inventing or enhancing tech. I have other priorities.
I'm not really a tech person.
If you already have a cool invention in mind, please tell us here. If you have an idea about ways to enhance current technology, give you comments here. Remember to be respectful towards tech companies. This is all in fun!
Since we're on the subject of technology, do you listen to podcasts?
I listen to and subscribe to podcasts regularly.
I listen to all kinds of podcasts, but subscribe only to a few of them.
I browse podcasts and occasionally pick one that peaks my interest.
I don't particularly care for podcasts.
If you do listen to podcasts, what is your top interest when iti comes to picking a podcast to listen to on that morning commute or workout cession in the gym?
Technology, of course.
Wellness and health
current events
historical events and figures
religion and spirituality
Eclectic (Anything goes)
I'm not into podcasts
Do you have any additional comments?
Tell us what you think!
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