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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Name (Last, First)
* Email Address
* College Degree and year conferred
Graduate degree(s) and year(s) conferred
* Why are you drawn to an organization like CFPA (500 characters maximum)
* Describe a time in which you participated in a school or school district campaign(s) for social or policy change (500 characters maximum)
* Describe why you believe you are an effective advocate (500 characters maximum)
* What improvements would you like to see in the school meal programs? (500 characters maximum)
* From the following list of desired skills and experiences, please select those which you posses.
Public speaking experience
Knowledge of Los Angeles-area school district dynamics
Experience with GoogleApps and WordPress
Working knowledge of legislative and/or government decision- and budget-making processes
Experience working with elected officials, school administrators, and/or school nutrition services personnel
Spanish fluency