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1. What data quality problems do you know of?
Data fields are often empty
Default values are often used for dates or other fields
Data is out of date
Different systems use different data for the same thing
Duplicate records exist
I can't trust the data

2. Which key business processes are most impacted by bad data?
3. How are these business processes impacted?
People spend a lot of time looking for the right data
Process often need to be re-done or re-processed
Analytical results are inaccurate or wrong
Poor business decisions are made

4. How much time per day do you spend looking for the data you need to do your job?
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
5. How often do processes need to be re-done? and at what cost?
6. What sort of poor business decisions are made?
7. Where and how would you start fixing the data problems you have identified?