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Dear Colleague,

We hope you will take a few moments to answer these brief questions about your experience using The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects. Your answers will be useful to us as we begin work on the second edition of the book, which should be available for adoption by Fall 2012.

Needless to say, if you feel uncomfortable answering any of the questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Carl Coleman
Jerry Menikoff
Jesse Goldner
Nancy Dubler
I used this book (check all that apply)
As assigned reading in a law school class limited to J.D. and/or LL.M. students
As assigned reading in a law school class that included non-J.D./LL.M. students
As assigned reading in an academic course outside a law school (e.g., school of public health)
As part of a training program for IRB members or other professionals
As a reference tool in my own research

What do you think of the length of the book?
Far too long: cut it down dramatically!
A bit long, but manageable
Just right
Too short: we want more!
If you used the book to teach a class, which of the following chapters did you assign as required reading?
Assigned Entire Chapter Assigned Portions of Chapter Did Not Assign Chapter
1. Historical Antecedents
2. The Changing Face of Research: New Regulations, New Players, New Places, New Agendas
3. The Federal and State Regulatory Sructure
4. Institutional Review Boards
5. Conflicts of Interest
6. Risk-Benefit Assessment
7. Informed Consent
8. Recruiting and Paying Subjects
9. Research and Justice: Promoting the Inclusion of Women and Minorities
10. Confidentiality
Assigned Entire Chapter Assigned Portions of Chapter Did Not Assign Chapter
11. Monitoring of Ongoing Research
12. Compensation for Research Injuries
13. Children
14. Adults who Lack Decision-Making Capacity
15. Prisoners
16. Fetuses and Embryos
17. Genetics Research
Please indicate any topic areas that are not covered in the book that you would recommend we add to the second edition.
Please indicate any topic areas currently covered in the book that require updating. If you have specific suggestions for cases, articles, or other materials to include, please note them.
Please let us know any aspect of the book that you think does not work well, as well as any suggestions you have for improving the book.
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