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Please help us plan for transportation and parking at the Town & Country Village.

Your honest responses are valued – all responses are anonymous.

As a thank you for your time, all survey participates who respond by November 13, 2014 will be entered into a drawing to win one of four $10 Peet’s Coffee gift cards.
* Do you work at the Town & Country Village?  (either for a tenant, center management or a vendor)
* How do you most frequently travel to work?
Drive alone
Combination transit and other mode
* What is your home zip code?
* Where do you most frequently park when working?
Designated Town & Country Village Employee parking area
General Town & Country Village parking area
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Palo Alto High School
Don’t park at work (take transit, dropped off, walk or bike)
* How often do you park off-site (such as Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto High School, on-street)?
Very frequently (3 or more times a week)
Somewhat frequently (1-2 times a week)
Rarely (less than once a week)
* What is the biggest reason why you park off-site?
More convenient location
Not enough on-site parking
On-site parking is too far from your workplace
* When are you most likely to park off-site?
Weekday mornings
Weekday midday
Weekday evening
Weekend mornings
Weekend midday
Weekend evening

* How often do you ride transit to travel to/from work?
Very frequently (3 or more times a week)
Somewhat frequently (1-2 times a week)
Rarely (less than once a week)
* Which transit service do you use? (select all that apply)
Marguerite Shuttle
Palo Alto Shuttle

* If you don’t ride transit daily, what is the biggest reason why?
Takes longer than driving
Too expensive
Not convenient from your home
Not familiar with local transit services
Poor weather
Need access to a car for other trips before/after work (such as: running errands or taking kids to school)
What, if any, improvements, incentives or features would make you more likely to ride transit?
* How often do you arrive to/depart from work by bicycling or walking?
Very frequently (3 or more times a week)
Somewhat frequently (1-2 times a week)
Rarely (less than once a week)
* If you don’t bicycle or walk to work daily, what is the biggest reason why?
Takes longer than driving
Too far from home
No comfortable route
Lack of secure bicycle parking
Lack of on-site changing or shower facilities
Poor weather
Need access to a car for other trips before/after work (such as: running errands or taking kids to school)
What, if any, improvements, incentives or features would make you more likely to walk or bicycle to work?
* When do you typically work? (select all that apply)
Weekday mornings
Weekday midday
Weekday evening
Weekend mornings
Weekend midday
Weekend evening

* How often do you work at the Town & Country Village?
1-2 shifts per week
3 shifts per week
4 shifts per week
5 or more shifts per week
To be entered in a drawing to possibly win one of four $10 Peet’s Coffee gift cards please enter your email address. The email address will be used only for the drawing and will not be tied to survey results. Email addresses will not be used for any purpose other than notifying the winners - no spam, no mailing list.
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