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Welcome to the Troop 7 survey for the 2013-2014 year. The leadership committee would like to use this survey to collect some important information.

If you have any questions about this survey, please email Lori Fisher at [email protected]

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

We would like to make sure that the Scouts have ample opportunities to participate in a variety of activities. Please let us know how satisfied you are with the number of opportunities your Scout has in the following areas.
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Fundraisers - Troop
* Fundraisers - Individual
* High Adventure trips
* Merit Badge work
* Outdoor activities
* Service Projects
* Please rank (1-8) the following activities in order of importance to you and your Scout:
Service projects
Monthly campouts
Summer Camp
High Adventure Trips
Merit Badge work
Leadership opportunities
Weekly meetings
* Which areas in the question listed above do you think Troop 7 needs the most improvement? Please explain.
* Which areas in the question listed above do you think Troop 7 needs the least improvement? Please explain.
How satisfied are you with the following areas?
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Scout Leadership
* Adult Leadership
* Organization
* Communication
* Discipline
* Efficiency
How do you feel Troop 7 is doing in adhering to the core values listed in the Scout Law? Please give a grade for each.
A B C D F No opinion
* Trustworthy
* Loyal
* Helpful
* Friendly
* Courteous
* Kind
* Obedient
* Cheerful
* Thrifty
* Brave
* Clean
* Reverent
* In which of the following areas would you consider volunteering your time as a parent? Select all that apply.
Chaperoning campouts
Driving to campouts
Member of committee
Merit Badge counselor
Meals for Court of Honor
Assistant Scoutmaster

* If you do not currently volunteer with Troop 7, please select the comments that best reflect the reasons why you currently do not participate in Troop 7 activities.
I'm unsure of what I can do to volunteer.
No one has ever asked me to volunteer.
I do not have time to volunteer.
Other, please specify.

Please comment on any of the above questions.