Exit Survey

To establish – in a directional sense – the attitudes and perspectives of key influencers in the community regarding post HS educational opportunities in Maine generally and targeting UNE specifically.

· Explanation of IDI concept and purpose
· Importance of study/responses
· No wrong answers; please be honest and candid
· Anonymity / confidentiality
Top of Mind
To begin, what are the greatest issues concerning post HS education in Maine?
Who does the best job addressing these issues?
Think about higher education in Maine. Based on personal experience or what you’ve heard, which one higher education institution offers the best overall education?
Which school offers the best undergraduate education? What about graduate level programs?
Who offers the most bang for your buck?
Awareness and Perceptions of UNE
What are the first thoughts or attributes that come to mind when you hear “University of New England?”
Does it resonate with “Maine?” How about “New England?”
Why or why not?
Do people know about UNE outside of ME/MA/NH?
If UNE were a car, what make/model would it be?
How would you feel being seen driving that car…in state / out of state?
What would you describe as the best aspects of that car?
Is UNE predominantly an undergraduate or graduate/professional school?
For which programs of study is UNE best known?
Do you think of UNE primarily as a liberal arts or a health sciences curriculum?
What is the difference?
What are the implications for Maine?
How does UNE compare to other higher education institutions in terms of…
Undergraduate study?
Graduate and professional programs?
Health Sciences?
Marine Sciences?
Liberal Arts?
What are some of the benefits for students attending UNE? To what extent does going to UNE open doors for graduates?
Similarly, are there some negatives associated with attending UNE?
Who is the typical UNE student? How would you describe him or her?
How is UNE funded?
Is it a public or private school?
Is it a for-profit or non-profit school?
How does UNE’s tuition compare to that of other higher education institutions in Maine?
How do you think most UNE students fund their education? (out-of-pocket, financial aid)
What is the single most important differentiator between UNE and other higher education institutions in Maine?
Finally, please consider the absolute value of earning a degree from UNE. [Probe for specifics: better job opportunities, etc.]
UNE Messaging
I am now going to read you a couple of statements about UNE. Please rank each statement first on how credible it is to you, then on how important that information is for people who may not be familiar with UNE. Please use a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is low (not at all credible/important) and 5 is high (very credible/important).
UNE is ranked #1 for educational return on investment for all colleges and universities in Maine, and ranked in the top 15% nationwide. 
Approximately 90% of recent UNE undergrads are professionally employed or headed to graduate school within 6 months of their graduation from UNE.
What do you consider to be the most important element of each message?
Additional comments:
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