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Please state the types of online games that you play (you may choose more than one)
MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)
MMORPG (FPS - First Person Shooter)
MUDs(Multi-User Dungeon)
RTS(Real Time Strategy)
FPS( First Person Shooter)
Other (Please State)

Please state the online games that you regularly play
Do you usually play one video games outside your house, inside your house or both.
At home
What kinds of video games do you play most often:
MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)
MMORPG (FPS - First Person Shooter)
MUDs(Multi-User Dungeon)
RTS(Real Time Strategy)
FPS( First Person Shooter)
Non-Voilent video games (please state)
Do you consider yourself addicted to online video games?
How often do you play video games every week?
2 hours or less
2-4 hours
4-8 hours
If more than 8 hours (Please State)
What is your favorite video game
How much time do you spend playing a video game per session
One hour or less
3 hours or less
6 hours or less
10 hours or less
10 hours or more (please state)
Are most of these hours spent playing your favorite online video game?
Do you prefer playing video games or going out with your friends?
Going Out
Playing video games