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Hi WP Teachers, Please let me know if you are interested in having static electricity work in your classroom!
Lessons are about 15 to 30 minutes each. I'll follow up with scheduling as soon as I hear from you. thanks! Marc
* First, who are you?
OK, now please check which lesson(s) you would like.
Yes, please! No, thanks Not sure, let's talk
* Intro 1: Safety - batteries and outlets
* Intro 2: History - Benjamin Franklin
* Static 1: Separating Salt and Pepper
* Static 3: Dancing Dolls
* Static 4: Sticky Balloons
I had said afternoons, but someone mentioned it might be nice to include the morning children too.
Check here if you are interested in morning lessons.

If you didn't check "let's talk" above - but you want to chat or see the material:
Check here, I'll come see you.

Thank you! I'll be in touch.