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Waste recycling habits and awareness of Generation X and Y


We are final year students from Environmental Management and Technology, HKUST. We would like to invite you to participate in a research study as part of our final year capstone project. It encompasses the study of the general waste situation in Hong Kong over the past years as well as the future projections. In this survey, we would like to have a better understanding of your perception about waste issues and recycling, your recycling habits as well as awareness regarding the waste situation in Hong Kong specifically.

It will not take more than 10 minutes of your time. Your genuine response will be much appreciated. It will be kept confidentially and used solely for academic purposes.

Thank you for your time.

您好, 我們是香港科技大學環境管理及科技學系的三年級學生,我們誠意邀請你參與是次有關香港廢物處理情況的學術研究。目的是想了解閣下對香港廢物回收的認知以及習慣。此問卷只會花閣下少於十分的時間,所有資料將會保密,只作學術研究之用。

Part 1: Recycling Habit
一. 回收習慣
How often do you recycle paper, recycle bottle and can?
Never 從不
Less than once a week 一星期少於一次
Once a week 一星期一次
Twice a week 一星期兩次
More than twice a week, please specify: 一星期多於兩次,請列明數量:
How often do you recycle materials like batteries, CDs, clothes or red pockets, moon cake boxes etc.?
你會多久回收一次可回收物料如電池,CD,舊衣,利是封, 月餅罐等?
Never 從不
Once a week 一星期一次
Once a month 一個月一次
Once a year 一年一次
Others. Please specify: 其他,請列明
What is the percentage of paper, aluminium cans and bottle do you recycle every year?
Less than 10% 少於一成
10-40% 一至四成
40-80% 四至八成
More than 80% 多於八成
What is the percentage of other recyclable materials (e.g. batteries, CDs, clothes, red packets, moon cake boxes etc.) do you recycle every year?
你每年回收可回收物料的數量佔你所製造的有多少成? (註:可回收物料例如電池、CD、舊衣、利是封、月餅罐等)
Less than 10% 少於一成
10-40% 一至四成
40-80% 四至八成
More than 80% 多於八成
Why do you recycle?
Earnings from selling recyclable materials 售賣可回收物料,賺取金錢
Influenced by social ethos/ educational campaign/ advertisement 受社會風氣/ 環保教育活動/廣告宣傳影響
Peer influence 受同輩影響
Education in school 受學校教育影響
Self- awareness on environmental conservation 自我環保意識
Others. Please specify: 其他,請列明:

Under what circumstance (s) will you recycle?
Availability of recycling bins 回收桶的可用性
Availability of recyclable products 可回收物料的可得性
Green reminders or memos 環保告示
I don’t see the need of recycling 我不認為有回收的需要
When I am sure that materials are really being recycled 當我肯定那些廢物真的會被回收
Others. Please specify 其他,請列明:

Part 2: Awareness of waste management & recycling issue
What type of material can be recycled? (can choose more than one)
Electronic waste (computer, micro oven) 電子廢物(如電腦、微波爐等)
Food 食物
Paper, aluminum can, plastic 廢物、膠樽、鋁罐
Glass 玻璃
Florescent light/ tubes 光管
Inkjet cartridge 打印機墨盒
Polystyrene boxes 發泡膠盒
Refrigerant 雪種
Battery 電池
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