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Program Interruption Survey
We understand that you have withdrawn from your studies and as a student at American National University (ANU).One of ANU’s priorities is to continue to improve and enhance our degree programs as well as maintaining academic standards. We would therefore be very interested in any information which you are willing to provide about the reasons regarding your withdrawal. The information which you supply will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to try and improve the learning experience which we offer to current and future students.
* Your degree program level was:
* Your program of study was:
* 3. Which categories best reflect your reasons for withdrawing?
The program of study was not what I expected
___ The program of study was more difficult than I anticipated
___ I questioned my decision about choosing the right program of study
___ I failed to see the value in assignments and courses
___ I had lower than expected academic performance
___ I had too much of a course load to maintain
___ I lacked focused educational and career goals
___ I received feedback that was too little or too late
___ The due dates and times for assignments were not convenient for me
___ I had poor study habits
___ I was under prepared
___ I did not feel sufficiently challenged
___ Struggled to navigate the university administrative system
___ There were operational problems that I was unable to overcome
___ The courses that I needed were not offered at convenient times
___ Experienced difficulty with the annual term schedule
___ Experienced negative attitudes in classrooms
___ Faced advising issues
___ Encountered Student Support issues
___ Had administrative issues
___ Experienced poor teaching
___ Experienced indifferent teaching
___ Encountered instructional equipment or technology that was out of date
___ Struggled with instructional equipment that I could not operate
___ The academic programs that I needed or wanted were not available
___ Found the campus life to be less than expected
___ Found credit transfer to other institutions difficult
___ Felt it was difficult to feel at home and make friends
___ Exhausted federal student loan funding
___ Unable to secure private loans or other funding
___ Decided the overall cost of the program was too much ___ Felt insecure about financial circumstances ___ Lost means of employment
* 4. Which categories best reflect your reasons for withdrawing?
Experienced feelings of being lost
___ Was stressed
___ I was not able to follow the structure and/or time commitment of school
___ Felt unmotivated
___ Insecure about abilities
___ Was uninformed
___ Had unrealistic expectations
___ Was not a good fit with the institution
___ Experienced alienation and social isolation
___ Was subject to negative peer pressure
___ Uninvolved in college activities
___ Had little interaction with faculty members and/or advisors
Life/Family Issues
___ Insecurity about family financial circumstances
___ Struggling to support myself and/or family
___ Faced job and school time conflicts
___ Had home and family difficulties
___ Faced health issues
___ Had military commitments
___ Incarceration
___Begin to think that college was not necessary to meet my career goals ___Expecting a child
___ Other
5. If you answered “Other” above, please explain: ___________________________
* 6. Did you discuss your reasons for withdrawing with ANU faculty or staff? __ Yes __ No
* 7. Is there anything that ANU faculty or staff could have done which might have prevented you from withdrawing? __ Yes __ No
11. If you answered “No” in the previous questions, please give further details:
* 12. Is there any additional information about your experience at ANU you would like to share so we can make the learning experience a successful one for current and future students? ___________________________________________________________
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