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St. Paul R.C.S.S.D. #20 Staff Faith Development Survey - 2011
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50 +
3.Did you participate in the 2006 Staff Faith Development Survey?
4.Role within Catholic education. I am a member of one of the following groups:
Elementary Teacher
High School Teacher
School-based Administrator
School-based Service Staff
School-based Support Staff
Board Office/Service Centre Personnel
5.I have been serving Catholic education for the following number of years:
5 years or less
21 +
6.I am:
Catholic (including all rites)
A faith other than Catholic
7.Are you a registered member of a parish/faith community?
8.Do you feel connected to your parish/faith community?
Not Applicable
Not at all
Yes, quite connected
Yes, I feel very welcome and supported
9. Please rate the following faith activities in which you have participated according to how useful they have been in your faith development. If you do not know the activity please choose "Not Applicable".
Never had the opportunity Not useful Somewhat useful Quite useful Extremely useful N/A
Division Activities: Staff Retreats
Faith Development Inservices (Guest speakers)
Division Masses (Opening, Memorial, Lenten
World Catholic Education Day/Week
School/Worksite Activities : Prayer (Weekly, Morning)
Liturgy Preparation
Bible Study
Understanding Catholic Education Booklet Series
World Catholic Education Day/Week
Never had the opportunity Not useful Somewhat useful Quite useful Extremely useful N/A
School Liturgies/Masses
Service & Social Justice Projects
Faith Formation Facilitator/Program
Parish/Diocesan/Eparchial Activities: Retreats (Queen’s House, etc.)
Helping with/participating in sacramental preparation(such as: Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage)
Lay Formation
Parish Missions
Small Christian Communities
Bible Study
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Never had the opportunity Not useful Somewhat useful Quite useful Extremely useful N/A
Courses (e.g. Alpha, Familia, topic specific . . .)
Study Days/Congress Days
Diocesan Foundation Series
Theology of the Body Series
Generations of Faith
Engaged/Marriage Encounter
Theology on Tap/Theology Uncorked
Other faith activities you have found useful:
10.How important is it for the Board of Education to provide annual funding for effective staff faith formation?
Not important
Somewhat important
Very important
11.Do you feel comfortable sharing your faith with co-workers?
No, not at all comfortable
Depending upon the topic, I feel somewhat comfortable
I feel fairly comfortable sharing my faith on a variety of topics
I feel very comfortable sharing my faith on any topic
12.Is there a person within your school/workplace with whom you feel comfortable enough to ask faith related questions?
13.Is there a person within the school division with whom you feel comfortable enough to ask faith related questions?
14.Is there a person outside the school division with whom you feel comfortable enough to ask faith related questions?
15.With support how willing are you to play a leadership role (e.g. planning, supporting, presenting, serving as a committee member) in providing faith development at the school and/or division level?
Not at all
Have not had the opportunity, but willing to try
Willing at the school and/or division level
already in a leadership role
16.How often do you attend Mass/Divine Liturgy/Sunday worship?
Every Sunday
Most Sundays
Once in a while
17.Check the parish ministries you are or have been involved in during your adult life (Check all that apply)
Ministry of Welcome/Usher
Communion Minister
Hospitality Minister
Acolyte/Altar Server
Parish Council
Visiting the sick/homebound/Pastoral Care
Music Ministry/Choir
Bishop’s Annual Appeal Team Member
Social Justice
CWL / K of C / UCWLC / UCB
Catechist (e.g. Children’s Liturgy, Sacramental Preparation Sunday School,
VBS – Vacation Bible School, Children of Mary)
Youth Ministry
Marriage Prep
Family Life
Restorative Ministry
Justice and Peace
Art and Environment

18.How important is personal prayer in your daily life?
not a priority
I wish I had more time
I try to make time, but it is difficult
I usually find some time
It is part of my daily routine
19.How important is knowledge and/or study of the Bible in your personal faith development?
Not at all
Very important
20.Are you able to intentionally bring your faith into your roles and relationships on a regular basis?
21.How vital is the Catholic education system for developing and sustaining our Catholic faith?
Not at all
22.Do you feel encouraged to participate in school/division sponsored faith development activities?
23.How committed are you to participating in the faith development activities provided by the division? (for examples, see question #9)
Not really interested
I try my best to attend these activities
I look forward to all of these activities
I am interested, but circumstances sometimes prevent this
Please indicate circumstances here
24.If a division faith development activity required some of your personal time, how willing would you be to commit to this type of activity?
Not really interested
Interested, but circumstances might prevent me from being able to attend
I would try to make it work
I look forward to this type of activity and would be able to make the necessary arrangements
25.Do you feel comfortable to: (Check all that apply)
Lead a liturgy
Plan a liturgy
Teach a Religion/Christian Ethics course
Field faith-related questions
Integrate Catholic teachings in all subjects taught or duties performed
Explain why you support Catholic education
Discuss moral issues according to Catholic teachings
Share our Catholic story

26.What role does Jesus play in your life? (Chose one)
Historical figure of little significance to me
Important person I am just beginning to get to know
Friend and Saviour and a presence in my daily life
Nemo dat quod non habet (We cannot give what we do not have)

The philosophy of Catholic education firmly rooted in the teachings of the Catholic faith, is distinct from the educational philosophy of non-faith-based systems. Catholic education, therefore, strives to help form the entire person according to the view of life revealed in the Catholic tradition. The goal of such an education is to be a transformational force in the life of each student and through them to the whole of society.

In a survey of our students, 51% indicated that the school had the greatest impact upon their faith, followed by the home (25%), and the church (24%). While programs, rituals and curricula play a significant role, the greatest factor in the Catholic school’s impact comes through the daily witness of staff to the lived connection between faith and life.

The specific demands placed upon our staff require specific faith development supports. Our school division clearly recognizes this.

We need to know where we are in terms of faith development in order to be as effective as possible with the limited time and resources available to us. The committee responsible for the development of the division’s faith development strategy invites your thoughtful, honest responses to this online survey. Your input will provide the information we need regarding where we are now, which in turn will reveal the direction of future faith development initiatives.

This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. Results will be used only at the division level. At no time will specific school staff information be gathered.

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