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Questions marked with a * are required
* Q.1 Which one of the following are you a member of, the:
Aurora Energy Leadership team (ALT)
Senior Leadership team
* Q.2 Select the statement which best suits your previous experience in Workforce Planning?
I have previously created and implemented Workforce Plans.
I have had some previous experience in Workforce Planning.
I have no previous experience in Workforce Planning.

* Q.3 Do you have an up to date and agreed Business Plan ready to implement?
I have an up to date and agreed Business Plan ready to implement.
I will be supporting my manager to complete and implement the Business Plan.
I am still working to complete my Business Plan. Please provide an anticipated date to complete your plan.
* Q4. Do you understand the benefits of Workforce Planning?
No- What area would like more information on?
* Q5. Are you ready to support your teams in the process mapping and business improvement activities associated with process mapping?
No- Please briefly explain what you require to support your teams
* Q.6 Are you actively engaged with your team to communicate and implement changes from the workforce planning process?
No- Please briefly explain
* Q7. Are you prepared for workforce planning by having an understanding of your teams information such as:

*Roles / classifications
*Current and future FTE / head count requirements
*Gender mix
*Employment status (e.g full-time, part-time, permanent, maximum term, contract staff)
*Existing qualifications
* Rate of staff turnover / churn?
No -Please specify what information you require
* Q8. As a manager of staff, are you  aware of your accountabilities under the Aurora Energy's Training and Development Procedure?
No - What further information do you require?
* Q9. How engaged are YOU to apply the time and effort to successfully contribute to Workforce Planning and meet the challenges of planning?
No commitment
A little committed
Very committed
Extremely committed
* Q10. Do you have any immediate questions or concerns regarding Workforce Planning for your team?
No immediate questions or concerns
Yes -Please briefly explain your questions or concerns