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Workplace Health Promotion

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* Lifestyles Health Talk (Select any 2)
Steps to Healthy Aging - To age healthily is to be able to achieve and maintain good physical and mental well-being while leading an active social life. It is important to keep ourselves healthy, happy and independent as we mature in age.In this topic, we will discuss the physiological and psychological changes that may occur to our body as we age and how we can take simple steps to have proper diet, regular physical activity,maintaining active social involvement and engaging in mind challenging activities in order to achieve good health even while we age
The Blue Zone: Living healthier and longer life - To age healthily is to be able to achieve and maintain good physical and mental well-being while leading an active social life. It is important to keep ourselves healthy, happy and independent as we mature in age. In this topic, we will discuss the physiological and psychological changes that may occur to our body as we age and how we can take simple steps in order to achieve good health even while we age
Healthy Lifestyle: Keys to a healthier you - The Healthy Lifestyle Index (HLI) is an online tool developed by the Health Promotion Board that is customised to the Singapore context. The questionnaire, covering 10 different health domains, will identify one’s general health behaviour based on one’s current lifestyle. In this discussion, we will explore in depth into the 10 key domains to a healthier you
Protecting yourself againist breast cancer - Do you know that breast cancer is the number 1 cancer among Singaporean women? Are you at risk? How to reduce your risk of developing it? This presentation will enable you to understand the nature of breast cancer and identify which factors increase the risk of breast cancer. You will learn to reduce your risks through screening, recognizing cancer warning signs, and adopting health habits and practices to prevent breast cancer.

* Nutritional Topic (Select any 2)
The Food Pyramid - Eating is without question one of life’s most enjoyable pleasures during your lifetime. You will spend a fortune consuming a mountain of food. How can you be certain your money is a good investment in your health? Eating smart has been designed to help you take the guesswork out of selecting which foods are best for health. This presentation covers what makes up the food pyramid and how you can benefit from following the food pyramid.
4 A Day - Eating fruits and vegetables can bring about many benefits. In this presentation, we will discuss creative ways to consume 2 servings of fruits and 2 servings of vegetables a day for good health. Tips will be given on how to shop, cook, prepare and store fruits and vegetables.
Shop and dine smart - Read before you eat: Hidden FATS! Hidden SALT! Hidden SUGAR! These are the ‘culprits’ that are silently destroying your health. Learn how you can intelligently reveal these ‘culprits’ and choose your food wisely and how to survive the food court as well as supermarket. Not to be missed by those who dine out frequently. This presentation covers how to read food label and how to eat out the smart way.
Vegetarian Advantage - Find out how a plant based diet will not only gives you health benefit but will also have positive impact on our environment.
* Mental Wellness (Select any 2)
Managing Change - Motivate to secure and maintain commitment to change. It highlights the key principles that drive behaviours needed for new process, technology, and people performance thereby creating increased ability to adapt and thrive on change via learning and professional development.
"WOW" management (Wiping out worries) - Helps to identify your worry and anxiety activators and how to manage your worry using locus of control.
Maximise Your Potential: Minimise Your Stress - Every day in our lives, we are exposed to stress or sources of stress. How we response to them determines whether the stress we experience is good or bad. Learn how you can promote health, be more productive, and increase your sense of enjoyment and emotional.
EQ Power Affirmation (Forging work family life effectiveness with emotional intelligence) - Enable participants to look at the emotional side of themselves and how to better use their natural inner workings to their greater benefit. Its also learn ways to deal with themselves , their challenges and stresses and those around them.
* Others (Select any 2)
Breath Free: QUIT NOW! - Tips on how to reduce tobacco use by exposing the pitfalls and myths behind tobacco use. The goal is to empower individuals to say “NO” to tobacco, thus preventing and reducing the problems associated with smoking.
What is Osteoporosis and Back Pain - Osteoporosis is a ‘silent’ disease as there are usually no signs and symptoms during the early stages. This presentation will gives you tips to build strong bones and protect your back to prevent osteoporosis and back pain.
The Big C, you can prevent it - Cancer is the number one killer in Singapore. One in four Singaporean will die of some form of cancer. This presentation covers the development of cancer and how lifestyle changes can be implemented to prevent its occurrence
How Diet Affect Your Rest and Sleep - If you have been feeling tired and unrefreshed when you get out of bed, or need naps during the day, these could be signs that you are not getting a good night’s sleep. Discover how you can enjoy restful slumber and wake up revitalized in the morning.
* Fitness (Select at least 2)
Yoga - Yoga workout without religion, meditation or philosophy. Based on the need for the body to stretch and be flexible for fitness performance
Pilates - Exercises to strengthen the core and posture
Kickboxing - Martial arts based group class which incorporates punching and kicking movements
Abs, Bums and Thighs - Exercise class designed to work out the legs and butt
Bowka - Bokwa is a new and completely different approach to group exercise that is rapidly spreading across the globe. Participants draw letters and numbers with their feet while performing an energizing and addictive cardio workout outline. Because the steps are structured as letters and numbers, everyone can do Bokwa, even those with two left feet who cannot dance.
Hip Hop - Its a wide range of styles primarily breaking, locking, and popping.

* Outdoor Activities (Select at least 2)
Amazing Race
Treasure Hunt
Beach Ball/ Volley Ball
Dragon Boat

My preferred timing is
Before work
Lunch Time (12.30pm to 1.30pm)
After work from 6pm onwards
* I prefer activities to be carried out
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