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Your Feedback Counts Virtual
Class Name:
Thank you so much for attending our most recent Virtual Sales Training. We genuinely enjoyed meeting all of you and can’t wait to see the great things that we know you are all capable of achieving.

It is always our mission to continue to improve our training programs. If you would, please complete the following survey within one week following the conclusion of this class, so we can make the next class even better.

Overall Program length was:
Too Long
Too Short
About Right
The Content of the program was:
Relative to my job function
Good refresh, may use some of it
Too broad and not detailed enough
Not helpful at all
The pace of the program was:
Too Fast
Too Slow
About Right
Were the instructions and guidelines clear?
If No, Please Tell Us Why
How would you rate the facilitator’s presentation?
Facilitator was easy to understand and engaging
Liked the facilitator, but did not like the format
Liked the information, but not the facilitator was not engaging
Too topical and broad
Facilitator was hard to understand
Information was long and boring
Not enough information that was relevant to me
Other, Please Specify
What additional topics should we consider in the future to make the training more meaningful?
Was there anything we could omit for next time? Anything that was not quite as meaningful for you.
What was the one thing from the training that will have the largest impact for you?
What was the one thing from the training that will have the least impact for you?
Was the training what you thought it would be?
If No, Please Tell Us Why
How does this training compare to other training programs you've attended in the past?
About You:
I have been with Hyatt in a sales role for _____ months/years.
Current Sales role or position:
I am a:
Millennial (1982-2003)
Generation XY (1965-1981)
Baby Boomer (1944-1964)
Traditionalists (1901-1943)
Prefer not to say
Not sure
*This data is used to assist the training department in delivering better more blended learning tools for the various ways we learn.*
Would you recommend this program to others?
If no, why not?
Additional Comments or Suggestions:
May we contact you for additional insights? (Optional)
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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