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Are you in age category of 18-25 AND smoke at least 3 times in past one month?
Yes (continue to the next question)
No (this is the end of questionnaire, please submit the questionnaire)
For your first experience of smoking, which are the following factors were influencing you?
rank them in descending order (1 = most influential factor, 4 = least influential factor)
Family members
Cigarette Ads
Media exposure (e.g : smoking scene in movies, video song, etc)
Others (if any, please specify in the next question)
specify the other factor that influenced you
When you first picked up smoking, was there any of your family member who smokes?
When you first picked up smoking, was there anyone in your friends circle who smoke?
Why do you continue to smoke until now?
To satisfy your regular needs
To socialize with others
To kill the time
To show off
To reduce appetite
Other (please specify)
Under what occasion do you usually smoke?

After meal
Drinking alcohol
Other (state, if any)

On average, how many sticks do you smoke per day ?
Are you planning to quit smoking totally within 1 year?
if yes, please proceed to the next question.
if no, please pick one of these following reasons. (this is the end of questionnaire, please submit your questionnaire)
It's a habit
most of your friends are smokers
Family members are smokers
Don't know how to quit
Other (please specify)
Why do you want to quit? (this is the end of questionnaire, please submit your answer)
Health concern
Money concern
Family urged to quit
Friends urged to smoke
Other (please specify)
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