Survey Templates Surveys ELS2 - COPIED [melxwipqms] - COPIED [giefuoyhso]

ELS2 - COPIED [melxwipqms] - COPIED [giefuoyhso]


Thank you for your interest in this study.

The following survey questions are designed to obtain information about customer service experiences. The questions ask you to recall or imagine an experience with a service provider and indicate your thoughts, feelings, or attitudes. There are no foreseeable risks to your well-being associated with this survey. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any question, you can withdraw from the survey at any point without penalty. It is very important for us to learn your opinions. We plan on taking what we learn and presenting these findings in an academic journal. This is an anonymous survey—your responses will be kept confidential and will be combined with others. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and no personal information which can link the survey to you will be collected with your responses. This information is used only for research purposes. It is important that you answer every item—the survey consists of approximately 40 items and should take about 20 minutes. Please respond to each item honestly and accurately.

You must be at least 18 years old to participate and your participation is purely voluntary. You will not benefit directly from participating in this research study and will not be paid.

If you have any questions concerning this research, please feel free to contact Gary D. Futrell at 850-644-4091 (phone) or [email protected] (email). If you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject, contact the FSU IRB at 850-644-8633 or [email protected].

Please click the "Continue" button below.
Have you ever experienced a situation in which the employees of a service company or retailer spoke to you in English, but spoke to one another in another language you did not understand?
Think of a time when you had an experience with a service company or retailer where the employees spoke to one another in a language other than English. In particular, we are interested in situations where an employee spoke to you in English, but interacted with other employees in another language.

This survey contains questions about your experience in this situation. When answering the questions, please refer to only one specific incident in which this occurred.
What type of service or business transaction was involved?
How long ago did this incident take place?
In what city and state did this occur?
Did you understand the foreign language being used by the employees?
Did you recognize which foreign language was being spoken by the employees? If yes, please state the language that you believe was used by the service employees.
Please describe the circumstances leading up to this incident.
Please describe the situation in which this occurred--tell us exactly what the employees did in front of you.
How did you feel about the level of customer service provided to you?
How could this experience have been improved (if at all)?
Did you complain to the firm about this incident? If yes, how did you complain? If no, why not?
Use one word that describes how you felt about this situation in each of the three boxes below.
1st word
2nd word
3rd word
How many times in the past year has this type of situation happened to you?

Now that you have written your thoughts, we have a few questions concerning your general feelings about the experience that you described.

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following concerning the incident that you described
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I believe that this service provider is honest.
I believe that this service provider can be relied upon to keep its promises.
I would find it necessary to be cautious when dealing with this service provider.
I believe this service provider is trustworthy.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
This was a satisfying experience.
This service provider maintains high service standards.
The service quality of this service provider was excellent.
Do not answer this question. Please proceed to the next question.
Even after the incident previously described, I will...
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Recommend this service provider to someone who seeks my advice.
Say positive things about this service provider to others.
Encourage friends and relatives to visit this service provider.
Visit this service provider in the future.
Do more business with this service provider in the next few years.
Be loyal to this service provider.
Consider this service provider as my first choice when I purchase this type of service.
Be dedicated to doing business with this service provider.
Continue to visit this service provider if its prices increase somewhat.
Pay a higher price than competitors charge for the benefits I receive from this service provider.
After the service experience previously described, I felt....
Not At All
As a result of my interaction with the service employee I felt:
My feelings about the service employee’s interaction with me were:
My impression of the interaction of the service employee with me was:
My encounter with the service employee was:
My feelings about being served by this service employee were:
Please indicate to what degree you agree with the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Most other cultures are backward compared to my culture.
My culture should be the role model for other cultures.
Other cultures should try to be more like my culture.
Most people from other cultures just don’t know what’s good for them.
I have little respect for the values and customs of other cultures.
Most people would be happier if they lived like people in my culture.
People in my culture have just about the best lifestyles of anywhere.

With which ethnic group do you most closely associate yourself?
For the current year, which of the following ranges includes your total annual household income before taxes?
Please indicate which of the following best describes your current employment position or designation.
Please indicate the location of your primary residence.
What is the primary language used in your household?
Enter the names of up to three languages that you speak or comprehend. Place one language in each box.
Do any of the following apply to you?
Complete the following information ONLY if you are completing this survey for class credit. Your participation will be recorded and kept separately from your responses.
Please enter YOUR first and last name (Ex: John Smith)
Please enter the name of your INSTRUCTOR (Ex: Dr. Smith)
Please enter your course number (Ex: MAR3034)
Complete the following information ONLY if you are completing this survey at the request of a student. Your participation will be recorded and kept separately from your responses.
Please enter YOUR first and last name (Ex: John Smith).
Please enter your date of birth (Ex: 11/29/1970).
Please enter the STUDENT’S first and last name (Ex: John Smith).
Please enter the name of the student’s INSTRUCTOR (Ex: Dr. Smith).
Please enter your telephone number (respondents will be randomly selected to be called to verify survey participation).

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