
Yale University School of Medicine

Project Description

Very Small Hepatic and Renal Lesions on CT: Recommendations for Follow-up Management

Project Abstract

Very small hepatic and renal lesions are often detected on abdominal CT scans. In one recent series comprising both patients referred for scanning because of a history of extrahepatic malignant tumor and those referred for other abdominal disease, the prevalence of hepatic lesions smaller than 1.5 cm was 17% (Jones, et al, 1991). Of these lesions, 51% were judged benign via other imaging modalities or by stability on a repeat scan at a 6-month or greater interval. Small renal lesions are also commonly encountered on CT, and, although most are benign, up to 38% of renal cell carcinomas are discovered when they are less than 3 cm in diameter (Curry, 1995).

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