
California State University, Long Beach

Project Description

Examining the Persistence of Upper-Division Low SES Students

Project Abstract

The intent of this study is to examine the contributing factors that led to the persistence of upper-division low SES students at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). The purpose of this two-phase, explanatory mixed methods study is to collect statistical quantitative data from a larger sample and then follow up with focus groups to explain those results in more depth. In the first phase, quantitative hypotheses will address the relationships between low SES students� demographic characteristics and their persistence in college. The second phase will consist of qualitative focus groups with students to further explore their motivations for persisting in college. In doing so, the researcher intends to provide insight into the experiences, motivators, institutional support, and challenges that low SES students face throughout their undergraduate experiences. By implementing a mixed methods design, professionals at CSULB and conceivably others who serve a similar population will have increased knowledge about effective program design and delivery for this group of students.

Surveys released for this project:
Thesis Survey (CSULB) 60
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