
Victoria University of Wellington

Project Description

Social Networking and Job Recruitment

Project Abstract

Social networking is the latest craze sweeping the internet. Many students have profiles posted on sites such as myspace and facebook. Many companies are attracted by the marketing opportunities offered by these sites. But some have switched their focus and have looked to social networking as a recruitment tool. The employees have not only uses these sites to increase the number of quality candidates but also filter out unqualified job candidates and improve job matching. The research will be an investigation into the new internet social networking craze, looking at how it could be used as a job recruitment tool. The study will conduct surveys to discover if employers and employees use social networking to acquire or advertise jobs in the Wellington area. It will also inquire into how or what the users would use social networking to their advantage.

Surveys released for this project:
QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [khfscrsmc 46
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This Project Sponsored by: QuestionPro - Web Survey Software
See Research Sponsorship for more information.