
City University

Project Description

Asthma is a disease of the lungs and it is very common among people of all ages worldwide. Having asthma is certainly not pleasant for anyone but we should always keep in mind that having asthma does not stop us from having a normal life, doing our favourite sports, going to our favourite events...but is important to know how to manage our asthma to avoid unpleasant surprises!!!!

This project addresses teenagers with asthma,and it is about a web site which will inform, support, teach, entertain and improve the knowledge of teen individuals about their medical condition.
It is a web site which not only addresses asthmatic children but also is a source of information for parents, teachers, friends because an asthma crisis does not warn before it comes. Therefore, everybody should be informed on how to handle an emergency.

This web site was created by Penelope Stratioti, MSc student in Health Informatics of City University as a part of her final project and was supervised by Dr Abdul Roudsari, MSc Course Director.

Project Abstract

not yet

Surveys released for this project:
Asthma 9
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This Project Sponsored by: QuestionPro - Web Survey Software
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