
James Cook University

Project Description

Reflective Practice for Library Educators

Project Abstract

My project, titled Reflective Practice for Library Educators, is based upon Action Research in the Library context of an academic institution, James Cook University, where librarians deliver information literacy training.

I will be conducting both quantitative and qualitative research as it will give greater strength to the study. The ATI survey, a survey based on Trigwell and Prosser�s (1999) Approaches to Teaching Inventory, which has already been used by other researchers, and also my own questions based on Brookfield�s lenses will be the basis for this project.

The project is a 4 step process.

STEP 1 Introductory to email for Teaching Metaphor including an example, and to explain the project timeline
Colleague�s perceptions (Brookfield�s 3rd lens - Reflection)
STEP 2 ATI survey
STEP 3 Final email to introduce readings & Discuss Community of Practice (Brookfield�s 4th lens -The literature)
Evaluation and Researcher Reflections.
My aim in providing an initial email question regarding colleagues perceptions and individual teaching metaphors is to provide a soft approach with which to flag the online survey. I anticipate that the final email which will propose a community of practice ias a way in which future discussions can be continued beyond this project

Surveys released for this project:
Reflective Practice for Library Educators 23
QuestionPro is FREE for Academic Research

This Project Sponsored by: QuestionPro - Web Survey Software
See Research Sponsorship for more information.