
University of Michigan

Project Description

We will be conducting a survey to professors and lecturers across campus to see how many of them are teaching courses that are related to ethical, legal, and sociall issues in the life sciences.

Project Abstract

Many classes across campus are taught about the Life Sciences and their implications to society, and these classes are found in many different schools and departments. The Life Sciences Values and Society Program (LSVSP) is interested in creating a curriculum guide that will incorporate all of the courses relevant to the ethical, legal, social, and cultural dimensions of the Life Sciences. The Life Sciences are defined as any of several branches of science, such as biology, medicine, anthropology, or ecology, that deal with living organisms and their organization, life processes, and relationships to each other and their environment (also called bioscience). Our goal is to create a guide that will enhance the efficiency of advising and course selection in the Life Sciences. We have constructed a survey instrument in order to collect relevant classes from across the University. Please take a few minutes (approximately 10) to fill out the survey by visiting the following link. For those instructors who complete the survey, we will send a link to the electronic version of the guide when it is complete.

Surveys released for this project:
Curriculum Guide Survey - COPIED [SFSEQCFYTU] 13
Curriculum Guide Survey 13
QuestionPro is FREE for Academic Research

This Project Sponsored by: QuestionPro - Web Survey Software
See Research Sponsorship for more information.