QuestionPro - Developer API

What is an API access key?

API stands for "application programming interface." This Wikipedia article covers APIs in more detail, but it can be helpful to think of the API as a way for different apps to talk to one another. For many users, the main interaction with the API will be through API access key, a way for other apps to access your account without you giving out your password.

Import Transaction


This API call is used to upload the information of customers and can also send SMS and Email to customers.


Name Value Required
apiKey This is an encrypted alphanumeric string to authenticate your credentials.
surveyID This is the survey id for which contacts are to be imported.
sendEmail This is used to specify if email is to be sent to the imported contacts or not.
sendSMS This is used to specify if sms is to be sent to the imported contacts or not. If true, then mobile no. needs to be specified. Note: To send sms, you need to have sufficient sms credit in your account.
firstName This is the first name of the contact which is to be imported.
lastName This is the last name of the contact which is to be imported.
mobile This is the mobile number of the contact which is to be imported.
segmentCode This is the segment code for which contacts are to be imported.
transactionDate This is the date on which transaction was done by the contact(mm/dd/yyyy).
email This is the email address of the contact which is to be imported
field1 This is the Custom1 variable of the contact which is to be imported. Note: Similary, we can have field2,field3,...field20, except field5, for importing Custom2,Custom3,...Custom20 variables.
productName This is the product name of the contact which is to be imported. If the specified product do not exist, new product will be created.
productGroup This is the product group name of the contact which is to be imported. If the specified product group do not exist, new product group will be created. Note: To have a product group, product is mandatory.
invitationTemplateID This is the id of the customized created email template, if any. Note: The value for Default email template is -1.
Following are the status of response generated, after importing the contacts via this API.
  • emailStatus - If email attribute value is true, it specifies status of the sent email.
  • ImportStatus - This is the status of the API
  • ImportCount - This is the count of the contacts that have been imported successfully.
  • smsStatus - If sms attribute value is true, it specifies status of the sent sms.


*All the parameter names are Case Sensitive.

*One API call cannot exceed 500 contacts.


Sample Request

POST HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "surveyID": 6069695, "sendEmail": "true", "sendSMS": "false", "contacts": [ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Johnson", "mobile": "+12066688987", "segmentCode": "SANFRAN", "transactionDate": "11/30/2016", "email": "[email protected]", "productName": "Laptop", "productGroup": "Lenovo" } ], "invitationTemplateID": 423382 }

Sample Response

{ "response": { "emailStatus": "Successful: Initiated email send process.", "ImportStatus": "Successful: Contact imported.", "ImportCount": 1 }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "4dbedabb-631f-4d68-b40a-e5cd47d610ce", "serverUTC": 1522768600787, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }


Sample Request

public JSONObject processTransactions() throws Exception { String path = getAPIURL(); DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost httpost = new HttpPost(path); JSONObject requestJSON = getRequestJSON(); StringEntity se = new StringEntity(data.toString()); httpost.setEntity(se); httpost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); httpost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); ResponseHandler responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); Object resp = httpclient.execute(httpost, responseHandler); return new JSONObject(resp.toString()); } public JSONObject getRequestJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject requestJSON = new JSONObject(); requestJSON.put("surveyID", 234); // Valid Survey ID - IF not found contacts will not be processed. requestJSON.put("sendEmail", true); //Optional field : Default : false ; No Email will be sent for the contacts. requestJSON.put("sendSMS", true); //Optional field : Default : false ; No SMS will be sent for the contacts. requestJSON.put("contacts", getTransactions()); requestJSON.put("invitationTemplateID", 20); return requestJSON; } public JSONArray getTransactions() throws JSONException{ JSONArray transactions = new JSONArray(); JSONObject transaction = new JSONObject(); transaction.put("email", "[email protected]"); transaction.put("firstName", "John"); transaction.put("lastName", "Johnson"); transaction.put("mobile","+12066688987"); transaction.put("segmentCode","SANFRAN"); // You need a valid segment code here. transaction.put("transactionDate","11/30/2016"); transaction.put("productName","Sony Television"); // Valid Product Name , New product will be added, if the name is not present already. transaction.put("productGroup","Televisions"); // Valid Product Group , New Group will be added if the group is not present already. transactions.put(transaction); // One API call cannot exceed 500 contacts. return transactions; } public String getAPIURL() { return "{API-KEY}" + getAccessKey(); }

Sample Response

{ "response": { "emailStatus": "Successful: Initiated email send process.", "ImportStatus": "Successful: Contact imported.", "ImportCount": 1 }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "4dbedabb-631f-4d68-b40a-e5cd47d610ce", "serverUTC": 1522768600787, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }

Export Detractor Data


This API call is used to download the information of unsatisfied customers or detractor data which can be further used for improving the services.


Name Value Required
apiKey This is an encrypted alphanumeric string to authenticate your credentials.
segmentID This is the segment id for which detractor ticket information is to be downloaded.
Following are the status of detractor tickets, for which information is to be downloaded.
  • 0 - Information for all the tickets which are in Pending status will be displayed.
  • 1 - Information for all the tickets which have been acknowledged will be displayed.
  • 2 - Information of all the tickets which have been resovled will be displayed.
Note: If this variable is not specified, details of all the pending tickets will be displayed.


*All the parameter names are Case Sensitive.

*One API call cannot exceed 500 contacts.


Sample Request

POST HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "segmentID": 39273, "status": 0 }

Sample Response

{ "response": { "PendingCount": 6, "data": [ { "emailAddress": "[email protected]", "phoneNumber": "+12066688987", "rating": "2", "comment": "The product packaging was not proper", "ticketID": 1769, "timestamp": "2018-04-03 05:47:15.0", "timelimit": 72 } ], "ExportDetractorDataStatus": "Successful detractor data exported." }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "4dbedabb-631f-4d68-b40a-e5cd47d610ce", "serverUTC": 1522769264099, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }


Sample Request

public JSONObject processTransactions() throws Exception { String path = getAPIURL(); DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost httpost = new HttpPost(path); JSONObject requestJSON = getRequestJSON(); StringEntity se = new StringEntity(data.toString()); httpost.setEntity(se); httpost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); httpost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); ResponseHandler responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); Object resp = httpclient.execute(httpost, responseHandler); return new JSONObject(resp.toString()); } public JSONObject getRequestJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject requestJSON = new JSONObject(); requestJSON.put("segmentID", 1); // Valid Segment ID - IF not found contacts will not be processed. requestJSON.put("status", 0); // Shows the status of exported detractor data. return requestJSON; } public String getAPIURL() { return "{API-KEY}" + getAccessKey(); }

Sample Response

{ "response": { "PendingCount": 1, "data": [ { "emailAddress": "[email protected]", "phoneNumber": "", "rating": "0", "comment": "", "ticketID": 1, "timestamp": "2017-04-25 12:21:34.0", "timelimit": 2 } ], "ExportDetractorDataStatus": "Successful detractor data exported." }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "04845f6f-01f0-40e1-b34c-27521f55f83b", "serverUTC": 1494486930629, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }

Get Survey URL


This API call is used to retrieve survey URL.


Name Value Required
apiKey This is an encrypted alphanumeric string to authenticate your credentials.
surveyID This is the survey ID for which survey url is to be generated.
firstName This is the first name of the contact which will be imported and survey url will be generated.
lastName This is the last name of the contact which will be imported and survey url will be generated.
mobile This is the mobile number of the contact which will be imported and survey url will be generated.
segmentCode This is segment code for which contact will be imported and survey url will be generated.
transactionDate This is the date on which transaction was done (mm/dd/yyyy), for which survey url is to be generated.
email This is email address of the contact which is to be imported, for which survey url will be generated.


*All the parameter names are Case Sensitive.

*One API call cannot exceed 500 contacts.


Sample Request

POST HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Johnson", "surveyID": 6069695, "mobile": "+12066688987", "segmentCode": "SANFRAN", "transactionDate": "11/30/2016", "email": "[email protected]" }

Sample Response

{ "response": { "SurveyURL": "" }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "4dbedabb-631f-4d68-b40a-e5cd47d610ce", "serverUTC": 1522770697813, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }


Sample Request

public JSONObject processTransactions() throws Exception { String path = getAPIURL(); DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost httpost = new HttpPost(path); JSONObject requestJSON = getRequestJSON(); StringEntity se = new StringEntity(data.toString()); httpost.setEntity(se); httpost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); httpost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); ResponseHandler responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); Object resp = httpclient.execute(httpost, responseHandler); return new JSONObject(resp.toString()); } public JSONObject getRequestJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject requestJSON = new JSONObject(); requestJSON.put("contacts", getTransactions()); return requestJSON; } public JSONArray getTransactions() throws JSONException{ JSONArray transactions = new JSONArray(); JSONObject transaction = new JSONObject(); transaction.put("surveyID", 8980);// Valid Survey ID - IF not found contacts will not be processed. transaction.put("firstName", "John"); transaction.put("lastName", "Johnson"); transaction.put("mobile","+12066688987"); transaction.put("segmentCode","SANFRAN"); // You need a valid segment code here. transaction.put("transactionDate","11/30/2016"); transaction.put("email", "[email protected]"); transactions.put(transaction); // One API call cannot exceed 500 contacts. return transactions; } public String getAPIURL() { return "{API-KEY}" + getAccessKey(); }

Sample Response

{ "response": { "SurveyURL": "" }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "04845f6f-01f0-40e1-b34c-27521f55f83b", "serverUTC": 1494496456446, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }

Send Reminder


This API call is used to send reminder to the contacts who haven't responded to the survey.


Name Value Required
apiKey This is an encrypted alphanumeric string to authenticate your credentials.
surveyID This is the survey id for which reminder is to be sent.
sendEmail This is used to specify if reminder email is to be sent to the contact or not.
sendSMS This is used to specify if reminder sms is to be sent to the imported contact or not. If true, then mobile no. needs to be specified. Note: To send sms, you need to have sufficient sms credit in your account.
firstName This is the first name of the contact to which reminder is to be sent.
lastName This is the last name of the contact to which reminder is to be sent.
mobile This is the mobile number of the contact to which reminder is to be sent.
segmentCode This is the segment code for which reminder is to be sent.
transactionDate This is the date on which transaction was done (mm/dd/yyyy), for which transaction is to be sent.
email This is email address to which reminder email is to be sent
custom1 This is the Custom1 variable of the contact to which reminder is to be sent. Note: Similary, we can have custom2,custom3,...custom20, except custom5, for importing Custom2,Custom3,...Custom20 variables.
invitationTemplateID This is the id of the customized created Email template, if any. Note: The value for Default Email template is -1.
smsTemplateID This is the id of the customized created SMS template, if any. Note: The value for Default sms template is -1.


*All the parameter names are Case Sensitive.

*One API call cannot exceed 500 contacts.


Sample Request

POST HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "surveyID": 6069695, "sendEmail": "true", "sendSMS": "false", "contact": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Johnson", "mobile": "+12066688987", "segmentCode": "SANFRAN", "transactionDate": "11/30/2016", "email": "[email protected]", "custom1" : "Custom variable 1" }, "invitationTemplateID": 423382, "smsTemplateID": 103 }

Sample Response

{ "response": { "status": "Reminder sent successfully" }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "4dbedabb-631f-4d68-b40a-e5cd47d610ce", "serverUTC": 1522770697813, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }


Sample Request

Sample Response

{ "response": { "SurveyURL": "" }, "status": { "method": "", "apiKey": "04845f6f-01f0-40e1-b34c-27521f55f83b", "serverUTC": 1494496456446, "id": 200, "message": "OK", "url": "/a/api/" } }

QuestionPro is the leader in online surveys, polls and questionnaires