Can I use an external variable to segment my data?
Currently the following System Variables can be used to Create “Segments” or Groups for analysis:
- Custom Variables 1-255: If you’ve uploaded auxiliary data (Custom1, Custom2, etc.), you can segment the data based on these variables.
- Geo Location Filter: If your license level allows for you to have access to geo-coding, you will also be able to filter based on geographic location (city, state/region, country).
- Email List Code: This is the Email List that you used to send out the email using the Email/List Management interface.
I want to segment my data based on custom variables. How do I do that?
- Login » Surveys » Reports » Advanced » Data Segmentation

- Select Create Data Filters from the left navigation.
- Click Create New Data Filter.
- Enter the Name of the filter you want to create.
- Select Custom Variables/System Variables as the Data Segment Type.
- Select the Survey Status.
- Enter the values for the variables you want to include in this filter. To include multiple values for the same variable, separate the values using a comma.
- Custom Variables 1-5: Enter the value of the variable that you want to match.
- Extended Variables: This is used for custom variables 6-255.
- Index: enter the number (6-255).
- Value: enter the value you want to match.
- Geo Location Filter: select from City, State/Region, or Country.
- Geo Location Value: enter the value you want to match for the filter.
- Email List: enter the name of the email list you want to match for the filter.
- Click Save Filter.

- Click Continue.

I am using custom variables. I would like to roll-up or aggregate multiple values for a custom variable so that I can analyze them together? How do I do this?
If you want to analyze multiple values for the same custom variable, simply separate them with commas as shown in the screenshot above.
What do I do after I create the group/segment?
After you’ve created the Group/Segment, you can do one of two things:
- To view the results (Filtered or Comparison):
- Login » Surveys » Reports
- In the Real-Time Summary, select Saved Data Filters from the Data Filter drop-down. This will bring up a secondary drop-down from which you can select the filter you previously saved.

- To view the filter as part of the Excel download, request the Excel report :
- Login » Surveys » Reports » Advanced » Data Segmentation
- Click Report Options to retrieve either a Summary Report or an Open-ended Text report.
- Click Refresh at any time to refresh the report with the filter applied. This will result in a new report being generated and emailed to the email address associated with the account.