Survey Templates School Surveys Distance learning survey template for teachers

Distance learning survey template for teachers

Use this free distance learning survey template for teachers to learn more about their experience. Know if they have any suggestions for the school or university and identify areas of improvement.

Check if the teachers have enough resources at hand to support their teaching. Get to know if they miss in-person and face-to-face interaction with students. Collect data to make robust online or distance education processes.

This sample distance learning survey template for teachers has been customized for the COVID-19 pandemic. However, you can use it for any remote learning programs and customize it as you like.

Are you teaching remotely?
How is your [School or University] delivering distance learning?
Do you get enough time to complete the work your [School or University] assigns?
What device do you use for distance learning?
Do you have high-speed internet at home?
Do you have access to a device for learning online?
What device do you use for distance learning?
How helpful your [School or University] has been in offering you the resources to teach from home?
How helpful your co-workers have been while teaching from home?
How stressful do you find teaching remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic?
How stressful were your students while learning remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic?
How was your experience teaching students from home?
How well could you maintain a work-life balance while teaching remotely? (Consider 5 being extremely well and 1 being not at all)
Work-life balance
Managing academic schedule
Are you enjoying teaching your students remotely?
What kind of response have you got so far from your students?
How peaceful is the environment at home while teaching?
Are you satisfied with the technology and software you are using for online teaching?
How important is the role of technology in remote learning?
How important is face-to-face communication for you while teaching remotely?
How often do you have 1-1 discussion with your students?
Generally speaking, how helpful have parents been while supporting their children's remote learning?
Are your students learning as much now as they were prior to switching to remote learning?
How can your [School or University] support you further?