Survey Templates Retail Surveys Shopping Life Style Battery Survey Template

Shopping Life Style Battery Survey Template

Shopping Lifestyle Battery Survey Template has a list of questions to ask survey respondents about shopping behavior for clothes and about clothing fashions. For example, some respondents hate shopping while some are conscious about the price while shopping. This QuestionPro questionnaire sample offers an exhaustive options list for the survey makers to edit and send out to their respondents.

Listed below are statements about shopping behavior for clothes and about clothing fashions. Please check one box for each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I don't like to go shopping.
I buy less clothing because of rising prices.
I like having something suitable to wear for any occasion.
I make purchases only when there is a need, not on impulse.
I often go shopping to get ideas even though I have no intention of buying.
I prefer to shop in stores that offer a wide variety of clothing selections.
I shop only when I have to replace items which have worn out or are out of style.
I go shopping often.
I like to go to stores to see what's new in clothing.
I make fewer shopping trips because of the high cost of gasoline.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Because of my active lifestyle I need a wide variety of clothes.
I like to shop in many different stores.
I find more of my clothes and accessories in off-beat shops than in traditional department and specialty shops.
I am current with forward fashion trends as pictured in advanced fashion magazines.
I like to experiment with my clothes so that I won't look like everyone else.
I like classic looks, but only if they are updated to reflect current fashion trends.
I don't buy clothes that would make me stand out from everyone else.
I prefer traditional styling in my clothes.
In selecting clothes, I tend to buy fewer